How is digital marketing doing this year?

How is digital marketing going this year?

How is digital marketing doing this year?

How is digital marketing going this year?

It is not uncommon for major digital marketing events to be filled with lots of beer, entertainment and conversation, but also, and most importantly, there are serious discussions about the direction and digital marketing trends. In fact, people love to talk about trends, after all, in a segment guided by technology, there is no shortage of new things.

This year, many experts have already pointed out which areas are most important for those working in the segment. And are the trends already part of the daily lives of digital marketing professionals?

It's been just over a month since Carnival, the year has really started in the country, with a more mature market and increasing competition, these trends have already started to be felt by digital marketing professionals.

Let's get to know some of them:

Marketing 3.0

Digital marketing has long known that using the mechanisms of psychology of consumption and being attentive to your customers' needs and pain points is the most accurate way to draw up good strategies. But even so, this was part of marketing 1.0 (focused on the product) and 2.0 (focused on the public).

But now marketing 3.0 is an innovation of the times. In other words, it is focused on human beings, on creating emotional bonds with your audience.

Talk to the customer, allow them to trust you and know that digital marketing professionals will create scenarios to increase the conditions for success of their companies.

To do this, you need to know your customers' needs and desires very well, use their five senses to create new sensory experiences and establish a bond, give your audience space to socialize with your brand, see and talk beyond the product, and have a very well-trained team, working collaboratively, to trigger all these steps.

As the use of Artificial Intelligence In some sectors, there is also an increasing need for digital marketing to work to reach people, even though there is a better use of structured data together with social data. It is necessary to create connections.

Furthermore, it is also necessary to serve the customer in the channel that they feel comfortable with and not just assume that the customer wants to use the channels offered as a “magic marketing solution”.

What we see today are great platforms for integrating service and centralizing information, but we still miss the use of artificial intelligence to organize information and data so that we can make even more personalized deliveries.

Artificial Intelligence

How is digital marketing going this year?

Last year, the Artificial Intelligence dominated most of the forums and specialized events and was pointed out as one of the digital marketing trends in the country.

The introduction of this tool to make life easier for consumers and automate many functions are increasingly effective actions not only in digital marketing, but in all sectors of society. It is a true path of no return.

To mention some very successful cases, it is worth remembering Bia, Bradesco's Artificial Intelligence.

Based on these success stories, other companies are already moving to launch new platforms with a much more structured understanding of how to work with data, in areas of health, education, and, of course, digital marketing.  

It is already possible to mention that some startups around the world are preparing new products and services linked to Artificial Intelligence.

Just at the beginning of the year, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) reported that patent applications for innovations based on Artificial Intelligence have increased exponentially.

According to the Organization, since 2013, more than 170 patent applications in the area of ​​AI have been registered by companies, universities and public research organizations.

And that's what we talked about a little while ago... we still don't have a "self-service" platform on the market that is affordable and easy to apply for small and medium-sized companies, but we're sure that this is a matter of time.

Rise of voice search, automation and chatbots

Search needs to be seen as an extension of the company's advertising and the growth of voice is a great opportunity to achieve better levels of results.

Customers need to be served by chatbots that allow for a more natural conversation, so that their attention is captured and their problems can be resolved.

Furthermore, marketing automation will also provide professionals in the field with more time for more creative tasks, because human assistance is not always necessary to achieve the expected result.

SEO for videos and custom actions

Woman holding emoticons on a couch

The digital marketing trend that some experts point out is the intensification of search engines for videos as well. In other words, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will also reach the audiovisual sector.

This trend is highlighted by the growth in searches for information on various subjects on YouTube, as well as live broadcasts and other tools.

This is a very promising channel within digital marketing because only in the middle of last year, YouTube announced that it had reached the level of more than 1,8 billion monthly logged-in users.

There are billions of topics consulted on YouTube that could be used to improve the reach of businesses.

To do this, you need to optimize your videos with good titles, tags and descriptions so that they can be better found through searches. And don't forget about mechanisms that also generate views, such as comments and shares.

Furthermore, there is a growing trend that, even with mass productions, it is possible to create more personalized languages ​​in videos to bring the client closer to the audience they want to reach.

Online interactive personalized video is one way to better engage, improve customer experience and generate cross-channel opportunities.


It's always good to remember that everything in digital marketing is very dynamic and fast. So, it's time to invest in trends and get results, because when the new wave of change comes, you'll have already surfed the previous one well and can learn a lot from it!

In general, we have seen that this year many companies are realizing that they need to change now and are starting to invest in digital marketing, thinking about strategies that reach different channels and can bring great results in the medium and long term.


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