Most owners of educational institutions, such as private schools, courses and colleges, have already realized that a digital marketing agency for schools is essential nowadays. Because it is through it that it has become possible to build a strong brand, attracting more enrollments and student retention.
After all, with technological advances, it is not enough to simply invest in a traditional educational marketing model, given that this method no longer promotes the best results in the digital age.
By the way, the digital marketing plan can and should be present in all segments. And for this, there is nothing better than counting on a digital marketing agency for schools. Read our text and understand the subject!
Educational marketing: what is it?
As marketing strategies They also reached schools!
Educational marketing involves actions aimed at attracting and retaining customers (tutors and parents/guardians), strengthening the school's branding, making its values clear, and effectively communicating with the public – whether they are parents, students or teachers.
The educational niche has seen significant growth in recent years, with new possibilities and ways of learning. Therefore, marketing for private schools has been in high demand to help them find a competitive edge among so many competitors.
Contrary to what many people think, there is a very close relationship between educational institutions and students.
For this reason, education marketing is not only used to attract new enrollments, but also to maintain good relationships with already enrolled students and their families.
Importance of a digital marketing agency for schools
count on a digital marketing agency for schools it is of utmost importance, as it will be responsible for increasing the number of enrollments, cultivating the institution's image, and mainly, for captivating potential new enrollees.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to devise specific strategies and carry out actions with the aim of providing the best experience for the target audience.
School marketing: why invest?
It is true that, with digital technology, the way of doing marketing has changed. Before, schools invested heavily in offline marketing – billboards, television, radio and pamphlets were great allies.
According to data from the National Household Sample Survey conducted in 2021, around 90% of Brazilian homes have internet access. This means that around 65,6 million homes are connected, 5,8 million more than in 2019.
That said, it is clear that there is a need to be present where the customer is, making a digital presence. Check out some advantages that educational marketing can provide:
Educational Marketing: What are the Advantages?
1- Strengthening the brand
Educational marketing strengthens the school's branding and highlights its differences through content that addresses the pain points of the personas, that is, parents and those responsible for the students and the students themselves, who today have great power in the school's decision-making.
In fact, you should always make your differences clear in posts and content aimed at your target audience. But this content should go beyond “open enrollment” and “our differences.” It is important to open a dialogue with the persona and produce content about education and for education that demonstrates how much your school is an expert in the subject.
Amidst so many competitors in the industry, show why parents and students should choose your school and not another educational institution.
2- Effective communication with parents and students
School is an environment with a lot of information and events happening all the time, such as events, lectures, exam weeks and even field trips. Therefore, it is essential to have a communication channel with parents and/or legal guardians and with students.
In addition to communication becoming more assertive, this generates trust on both sides, generating a closer relationship between the school and its audience. The research “2021 Global Marketing Trends – Find your focus”, carried out by Deloitte, shows exactly this. It listed seven marketing trends, one of which is trust.
The brand, in this case the school, must connect with its audience, understand their needs and show empathy towards the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to be transparent in all actions, so that this trust is not “broken”.
Good educational marketing must also take into account the language and tone used in this communication, creating an even greater bridge between parents and school.
3- Student recruitment and retention
Educational marketing is also widely used to attract new students and retain those who are already students, currently known as enrollment and re-enrollment.
When it comes to attracting new students, this can be done by understanding who your persona is and what their buying journey is. To do this, structure your sales funnel very well and invest in content marketing.
Incidentally, in content marketing examples There is no shortage of them! In addition to posting on your social networks, you can create optimized content on your blog – aiming to appear on the first page of search engine results, webinars, e-books, infographics, spreadsheets and much more.
This will all depend on the stage your customer is at in the sales funnel and what their consumption preferences are. It is always important to emphasize that the relationship with potential customers should be nurtured throughout the year, making the enrollment moment smoother, as the prospect (potential customer) already knows you and through your in-depth content knows that you are an authority on the subject.
When it comes to student loyalty, personalization in the relationship is key. Educational marketing enables constant dialogue with parents and students, as we discussed above.
Additionally, you can invest, within your strategies, in Marrelationship keting, getting even closer to that customer. Offer a unique experience and exceptional service.
If you also have personal information, such as your customer's birthday, you can invest in strategies such as congratulating them on this special date.
4- Competitive advantage
It is very common to find schools that have difficulty presenting their differences, such as their teaching methodology, infrastructure and advantages through online communication.
This may be because they do not invest properly in an effective nutrition flow. Since it is through this that it is possible to develop a good relationship between the institution and the student, thus solving their doubts in a more personal and objective way.
5 - Analysis of results
Another advantage of having a digital marketing agency for schools is having the possibility of tracking and measuring, in real time, the metrics of your digital campaigns, such as Return on Investment (ROI) and Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).
This way, measuring the effectiveness of the strategies implemented by your agency becomes increasingly feasible. It is also possible to closely monitor all performance and correct any potential flaws.
6- Educational Benchmarking
Last but not least, the last advantage is the opportunity to carry out Educational Benchmarking.
This strategy seeks new ways to optimize the performance of institutions, as well as improve the development of student recruitment and retention processes. It also allows the school to adapt to a more practical and modern scenario used by its competitors.
Educational marketing strategies: find out what they are!
If you want to know how to attract students to your school, strengthen your brand or improve communication with parents and students, check out some strategies that can be used:
Study your niche market and your competitors
What are your competitors in the education sector doing? How are they positioning themselves? Take a look at what is working and what is not.
Define your persona

If you do not know what is persona, it is nothing more than your ideal client. In this case, the most detailed image of your typical student, the student history or the drawing of this ideal student transformed into a character to whom your digital marketing strategies will be directed.
In the education segment, it is likely that there are more than one type of personas. This definition is made through the possibility or need to be able to focus and structure a sales funnel aimed at them.
Therefore, defining this makes the production of content and the structuring of a sales funnel much easier and more assertive.
Know your difference and define your short and long-term goals
What sets you apart and how can you use it to add value to the school?
Also, what are your goals with educational marketing? You can’t embrace the world all at once, so it’s important to know where you want to go in a defined period of time.
Invest in content marketing
Content marketing is essential to strengthen your brand’s authority and alleviate your persona’s “pains”.
Offering quality content when your customer needs it creates a brand memory in their mind at every point of contact. When making a future purchase decision, it becomes much more likely that they will choose to buy from the brand that has always been there for them and helped them.
To do this, define a strategic plan and put it into practice. Understand which channels your persona is on and what type of content they like to consume. In fact, this content should respect the stage of the funnel that the persona is in. We have brought some examples to help you:
Top of funnel: Invest in content that reveals that the persona has a pain point, such as materials about education in general. This is because parents/guardians usually want to be sure that the school has good pedagogical projects and understands education, and you should show this;

Funnel medium: In the middle of the funnel, show your differences compared to your competitors, as well as how your projects are based. However, it is not yet time to try to sell, but to show your foundation!

Bottom of the funnel: It's time to have a CTA (call to action) for contact in an easy and visible way in your content! An important point to emphasize is that the sales team's response must be quick, as the customer is already expecting a response! In fact, having a good sales team is a big differentiator between institutions that are successful in converting contacts to enrollment and those that are not.

- After sales: Post-sales content is part of what we call the hourglass sales funnel. It covers the part of effective communication with parents/guardians regarding projects developed by the school. With this step carried out effectively, they end up becoming fans of the company and may recommend the school to friends.
Read also how to choose a digital marketing agency
GS2 Digital Marketing
Are you looking for a digital marketing agency for schools?
Count on the help of GS2 Marketing Digital!
We understand that there are many processes and, at first, they can be a little difficult to apply. Therefore, there is nothing better than having specialized help on the subject, so that the correct strategies can be used.
We are experts in attracting visitors, generating leads and nurturing a good relationship with the customer until the moment the deal is closed.
Our success strategy is based on the design of your persona's purchasing journey. We rely on the most strategic areas of digital marketing to help your school grow.
Want to know more about how we can help you create your digital marketing strategies?
Get in contact us and learn about our cases in the education segment! We are ready to help you!
Also stay up to date on marketing automation by clicking on our e-book below.

Patricia Silva Oliveira Brandao
We are a school offering professional courses in IT, administration and graphics. I would like to know what services you offer.
S2 MKT Digital Group
Good afternoon Patricia, I just sent you an email. 🙂