If before you still had doubts about whether digital media would really be important for the growth of your company, now, with all the difficulties created by the new coronavirus pandemic, you must have realized how much insertion in digital communication technologies are essential for success.
Perhaps you need to plan more, adapt your communication with your customer, allocate a budget or even make a change to your opening hours and operations that will require greater digital activity so that your target audience can be reached effectively.
However, entering the digital media is not something that can be done without technical knowledge. To achieve better results, you will undoubtedly need the expertise of a Digital Marketing agency to achieve your goals.
Read and learn how a digital marketing agency can help your business during the pandemic!
First of all, what does Digital Marketing consist of?
Marketing is a business strategy to offer products or services to meet consumer needs and preferences through various channels.
Digital marketing will promote these same products or brands through digital means and has become one of the main tools that companies have to communicate with their target audience in a direct, personalized way and at the right time.
This concept of digital marketing may seem very clear, but at the same time, it is very subjective, generating several doubts in most people, such as: “Can any action by my company on the internet be characterized as Digital Marketing?”
It is important to know that isolated actions, without any connection, do not constitute a marketing plan. It is necessary to analyze the company's profile, objectives, target audience and scenario to outline strategies that guarantee efficient results.
Today we know that digital is dictating rules in corporations: people started working from home, delivery has never been so popular and e-commerce has experienced a real boom.
You need to think about new initiatives that will reach people at home to turn them into potential customers and how to adapt your marketing to achieve this goal.
Therefore, it is clear that the strategy that served the pre-pandemic period may no longer be effective, changes and adaptations will be necessary.
“I already have a website for my business and, from time to time, I post on my Facebook page and another on Instagram… Does this mean that my company is already prepared and the pandemic will not be a problem?”
At the current moment, this is not the only thing that will generate results for a company. In fact, now is the time for companies to strengthen or start setting up digital strategies to continue generating results and prevent their brand from falling into obscurity, even with the establishment closed. The physical doors may be closed, but the virtual windows are more open than ever.
Changes may be necessary in your business model with an almost total focus on online actions, which may require a little investment and the hiring of a company specialized in the subject.
“My company already has defined Digital Marketing strategies… Am I covered during the crisis?”
It is clear that companies that already invest in digital marketing actions and use their tools to interact with customers and sell their products/services are ahead in the current scenario.
However, even so, these corporations need to review their strategies to be able to adapt to the moment and expand their customer acquisition front and, thus, continue generating demand in the short and long term and prepare to return to a growth stage more easily when everything is over!
➡️ Read: Marketing in times of pandemic
“So… What actions can be taken, together with an agency, to keep my business running and generating results during quarantine?”
In times of quarantine and with all the difficulties created by the pandemic, implementing e-commerce, reformulating the sales process and increasing your reach to other communication channels are some examples of ways that can help your business remain active in the market.
Optimizing pages on social networks, such as Facebook and Google My Business, producing and optimizing videos for YouTube and increasing the supply of rich content can also boost clients' results.
To help you see this in practice, we have selected some cases of clients we are currently working with who have reinvented themselves during this period. Check them out:
Opportunism and rapid adaptation to the context
Adapting to the current context is one of the biggest challenges faced by companies. With the need for social isolation, corporations in the education sector, such as those specializing in in-person courses, have found themselves having to reinvent the way they sell their products.
EAD Case Study
Our first example is precisely that of a company in this sector that focuses on selling courses to architects, engineers and students in the areas of Architecture and Engineering. Some of these courses were already offered online, but the vast majority were offered in person, so the client needed to find ways to transform these courses into EAD (Distance Learning) content.
This was done quickly and, together with the marketing agency, publicized to its entire client base, social networks and Google. Another strategy used by this client was, taking into account the current economic situation, to offer a discount on the courses that were in greatest demand and, as a bonus, to offer an extra course to those who purchased them.
And the result of these actions? In April, the purchasing opportunities generated for the customer in question reached almost 100% when compared to the previous month!
Generating online content may be the solution – medical case
Before the pandemic, not all segments could adapt their products or services to be sold online. In the medical world, for example, it was almost impossible to see professionals providing online consultations. But now telemedicine has become accepted at this time so that people would not miss out on care during the isolation period and could still protect themselves from possible contagion by going to physical offices.
Furthermore, even the way people look for doctors has changed. If before the health insurance booklet was the main source of information, as well as referrals, today, the credibility that doctors convey through digital means can be taken into much greater consideration when choosing a specialist doctor.
In new times, it is necessary to reinvent yourself and be creative to maintain notoriety in the segment.
A doctor who continued to maintain relationships with patients even without them coming to his physical office is one of our success stories.
Our client took advantage of the moment to intensify his video production for YouTube and, together with our efforts, used strategies to reach as many people as possible. In addition, to generate a greater number of leads, the doctor invested in Content Marketing and created e-books on interesting topics to reach its audience.
With that, after the first month of quarantine the office is now receiving great demand again.
➡️ Check out this complete Medical Case
Academy Case
Still on the subject of content generation, we have another example. In this case, the client is a gym that, according to the recommendations issued by the government, is part of the last “wave” of segments that will be allowed to open, together with restaurants and shopping malls.
Given this context, the company's solution was to invest in making recorded and live classes available on its communication networks to capture leads to be worked on as soon as the gym is allowed to return to work.
Since the beginning of the class announcements, more than 900 new leads have already been generated.
Showing your presence is essential
With the quarantine, most companies were forced to close their doors and, for the most part, even work home officeHowever, not all types of businesses can have their actions halted, which can even cause people to have doubts about what is actually working and influence their consumption choices.
Veterinary Hospital Case
Finally, our fourth case is that of a Veterinary Hospital that, with the emergence of the crisis, noticed a large drop in the number of patients and was forced to invest in strategies to be able to notify these people that its segment is open and that, if necessary, it is available.
To achieve this, the company's strategy was to invest in background content. sales funnel and in Google Ads, expanding your reach to an area larger than your own city, which caused the movement to begin to recover almost immediately.
If you still don’t invest in digital, know that falling behind is no longer an option!
The pandemic will pass, but that doesn't mean you should wait for the storm to pass before taking action. The opportunity to strengthen your brand is now, with a robust digital marketing strategy.
By adopting the appropriate digital measures now, when this is all over, you will be able to see a real boom in your business.
How about we help you with that? Contact us and let's change the outlook for your business together!
Rosinete Santos do nascimento Argolo
Hi, how are you? It's true that everything that is happening will pass and people are creating many ways of working to survive. All of this is commendable. I want help. Yes, I appreciate this opportunity.
S2 MKT Digital Group
Let's talk 🙂
Rosinete Santos do nascimento Argolo
Hi, how are you? It's true that everything that is happening will pass and people are creating many ways of working to survive. All of this is commendable. I want help. Yes, I appreciate this opportunity.
S2 MKT Digital Group
Let's talk 🙂
Alisson VITOR MARTINS Gouveia
I wish I had knowledge of this app
Alisson VITOR MARTINS Gouveia
I wish I had knowledge of this app