Google Updates: What Should You Expect?

Google Updates: What Should You Expect?

Keeping up to date with Google's constant updates is part of the job of marketing professionals, especially those who work with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), who want their pages to be well positioned in the world's largest search engine. 

These algorithm updates can impact search rankings and even lead to a drop in organic traffic to websites. 

Therefore, it is important to stay up to date with the updates that occurred in August 2023. Check out this content to find out how the Core Update works.

Core Update August 2023

Google recently announced a new update to its algorithm and all changes should be in effect by mid-September. Google's previous update was in March.

O The goal of Google updates is to improve the user experience, offering them websites with informative, persuasive, safe and original content. 

Therefore, in search of improvement, the platform is constantly changing and, therefore, requiring marketing professionals to adapt to new SEO rules so that organic ranking of websites can occur.

 The Core Update affects websites around the world in a positive or negative way and, despite the announcement of the change, it is not yet possible to confirm what exactly will change, as it has not been announced by Google.

In previous updates, for example, the Google Page Experience, the focus was on the user experience, while in a Core update subsequent content and EAT (expertise, authority and reliability) rules.

What is Core Update?

Core Update, or Main Update, are algorithm changes made by Google with the purpose of delivering useful and relevant information and content to users.

Small updates occur several times a year and are not directed at the websites themselves, but rather at the content that is published on them. However, major changes can occur twice a year. 

And as every change takes time to adapt, it is normal for some pages to gain more or lose performance in search results, this does not mean that they are bad or good.

How might the new update impact websites?

Google has not disclosed the changes that have been made to the algorithm, so it is not possible to say exactly what the impacts will be. However, new changes commonly cause fluctuations at first, which is normal; the tendency after this period is to stabilize.

It is possible to maintain the relevance of websites, but it is necessary to pay attention to the criteria of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which is a set of techniques that define the ranking of a page based on a keyword.

This strategy improves the website's position in search rankings, increasing organic traffic and brand visibility. It is an effective tactic for staying ahead of the competition and, consequently, converting users into leads and sales.

In view of this, to avoid negative effects, in addition to following SEO specifications, it is important to evaluate whether the website content is in accordance with Google's considerations.

Google Guidelines

While it is not possible to know exactly what the change is, it is important to keep an eye on the quality of the content that will be published on the site and assess whether it meets the platform's following requirements: 

  • The content must be original and offer relevant and reliable information that contains internal links (and external links, when possible), research sources or reports;
  • The topics must be well-prepared and must contain complete information, but that makes sense, avoiding anything shallow, superficial and obvious;
  • Being inspired is very different from copying. Copied content, obviously, does not count towards rankings and does not perform, and is considered plagiarism;
  • After the title, before the actual content, there should be a brief introduction describing what the subject is about;
  • Aggressive titles intended to impress should be avoided;
  • Make a critical assessment and ask yourself: Do I recommend this content and website to other companies and people? Can the content become a reference in the subject and/or segment?

Furthermore, it is assessed by Google the reliability of the website and content, therefore, it is essential to be as transparent as possible and not forget to include the author's information, highlight where a particular research is coming from, that is, what is described needs to be “proven” in some way. 

If the content is not considered insightful by the platform, is not viable and conveys some image of distrust, it may not perform as desired and, in some cases, be banned.

Other issues highlighted are the spelling mistakes and the language used. The content needs to be developed according to the grammar of the Portuguese language and the language must be accessible, even the most formal content.

Value content

In all Google updates prioritize content that generates value and answer the questions searched by users in a clear and reliable way, and that's where Content Marketing comes in.

The purpose of Content Marketing is to create strategic, informative and educational materials that provide answers to the pain points of the personas., present them with possible causes and solutions and teach them something.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to:

  • If the content was produced with care and does not appear to have been created quickly and carelessly;
  • Brands that have franchisees with different websites, the content needs to be different in order to be original, even when addressing the same subject;
  • Excessive ads generally affect the user experience, so it is not recommended by Google;
  • The user can read the content on a computer screen or on a cell phone, so it is important to adapt the formats so that it is accessible to both. 

In short, Google updates evaluate SEO strategies, whether the content is valuable and whether the site, in general, provides the user with a good experience. Page loading and response time are of utmost importance, as well as visual stability.

Reviews are always based on visitors, so focusing on content that meets users' genuine needs should be a priority.

Be careful with attempts to “trick” the algorithm by using techniques that only value Google rankings. This can harm the website and its content, reducing its ranking and, as a consequence, views.

Strategies can and should be used, as long as the material also provides factual, rich and relevant information.

How can SEO help you?

The purpose of SEO strategies is to generate the best positions in search rankings through keywords, to provide more traffic volume and transform visitors into leads and customers.

SEO works according to Google updates, which aims to increasingly provide good experiences to users by delivering strategic content that connects with the target audience and meets their needs.

Content Marketing that generates value aligned with SEO strategies can increase your company's results.

Meet GS2 Digital Marketing

Strategic Digital Marketing is essential for a company's growth! 

Therefore, we use the best tools to produce assertive content for our clients, with creative and remarkable actions. 

We are an agency specialized in inbound marketing, with a total focus on results.. If you are looking to build a successful business that really makes sense and brings value to your brand, get to know GS2 Digital Marketing.

Talk to us.

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