Audio Marketing Can Elevate Your Content Strategy

Audio marketing to elevate your content strategy

Audio Marketing Can Elevate Your Content Strategy

Audio marketing to elevate your content strategy

Among the many possibilities of Content Marketing  stay tuned for the growth of audio marketing or the voice marketing. Although it is still little explored in view of its enormous potential, it is a resource that will grow incredibly in the coming years, which has already demonstrated user acceptance and preference.

This has to do with an issue that we have already addressed in some previous texts: people do not want to be interrupted in their tasks, they want and need more time and any resource that extends their productivity within “time” gains immediate sympathy.

So why not make content available that can be enjoyed while people are “busy”, like audio or podcast posts?

Without having to keep their eyes fixed on the material, people can drive, exercise and even eat using only their hearing. Lately, many people prefer to eat while listening to content rather than watching TV. This is just one example, but there are many others.

Let's just talk about another one, which many people will understand because they have already experienced or witnessed it. In large cities, people waste hours a day commuting from home to work, to college or to some program or commitment.

What is the best resource to “occupy” this time? Sound has always been the main choice.

The best-known way to turn what would otherwise be idle time into something more enjoyable is to listen to music while traveling, whether in a private car or even on public transport. The scenery along the way becomes more pleasant or more exciting, depending on the music chosen.

But how about using this period when you are not doing anything to learn? Or consume?

And within this line of thought, audio marketing fits better than a glove. It can be as interesting as listening to the radio, in the golden days of this means of communication, which brought entire families together around it.

Nowadays, no one wants to stop what they are doing just to listen, but they can just listen while doing other tasks. It could even be said that this is a medium that is being reborn, with a different look.

Growth of voice engines

It is due to the perception of the immense potential of sound that big brands like Apple and Microsoft have invested more and more in Artificial Intelligence , especially with voice-activated assistants like Siri and Cortana. There are also home assistants like Google Home and Amazon Echo.

These companies realized that the automation of various processes was popular with consumers and, to this end, they created assistants that perform tasks for people through voice commands.

We can also mention Alexa, another intelligent virtual assistant from Amazon. It has the ability to offer voice controls, play music, make to-do lists, set alarms, provide information about traffic and weather, and also control connected systems and devices.

You can be sure that these voice assistants are powerful weapons in the Inbound Marketing process, because there is so much reading material nowadays that people cannot read. That is why they are extremely convenient. You cannot read everything, but you can listen to a lot more things.

Not to mention the countless distractions that prevent us from reading anything throughout the day, from the inevitable WhatsApp messages to customers' phone calls or requests for attention from other audiences.

With this in mind, media companies such as Uol and Folha de São Paulo also have robotics resources in their publications. But in this case, reading done unmistakably by a digital assistant is not so attractive.

To encourage adoption of this feature, large companies are also adopting more humanized voices for their interactions with human beings. The news may not be as appealing when narrated by a robot, but it is much more interesting when narrated by human voices.

Audio marketing to elevate your content strategy 4

Audio Marketing Features

But if people are increasingly interested in consuming information through voice resources, the possibilities of audio marketing are also growing within the digital marketing industry for the purposes of other types of consumption.

Anyone who works with Content Marketing and studies the trends in the sector knows that there is no turning back. If videos published on the internet have become the main media of interest for people in these times of the web, audio is starting to gain its place and take the lead.

After all, according to a survey conducted by the startup Voozer on the consumption of digital content, 83% of people revealed that they are unable to read everything that is posted and that interests them. A good portion also cannot find time to pause and watch videos, whether on their own smartphones or tablets.

We are going to run into the lack of time again in our days. So, it is urgent to take advantage of this data for audio marketing and start investing in this reborn Phoenix.

How important is audio for Digital Marketing?

Know that visual messages have a lot of impact, but with the Audio Marketing It is no different. Digital professionals need to adapt to people's behavior in order to impact them.

Furthermore, writing long blog articles is no longer a differentiator. Therefore, other strategies must be considered.

Let me ask you a question: how much time do you spend reading texts on the internet? Probably not much time. Don't blame yourself, it's normal. With all our routine tasks, it's very difficult to stop and read something online at your leisure.

Thus, audio becomes a “helping hand”. You can listen to any text anywhere and doing anything, in addition to being a great way to promote digital accessibility. For this reason, the strategy has been growing so much in recent years.

Audio content impacts in four different ways

  • Physiologically: sounds directly influence the body, increasing heart rate, stimulating the secretion of various hormones, etc.
  • Psychologically: Sounds influence emotions, depending on various stimuli. Music is the most powerful emotional audio trigger, allowing listeners to relax and brighten their mood, for example.
  • Cognitively: Unpleasant noises can interfere with our concentration, resulting in lower productivity. Background noises prevent us from understanding the messages being conveyed. Harmonic sounds also help us concentrate.
  • behavioral: this aspect is essential, allowing us to create sounds and communicate audio messages that encourage customers to follow our advice.

Discover some Audio Marketing strategies

Considering that many people are unable to read all the available material or see everything through audiovisual media, what are the ways to have more qualified leads (LINK) using audio marketing?

Post in audios

Many blog posts that are already published can gain new life when you decide to use the audio marketing resource.

The content will be the same, but only narrated, with the use of audio players. And this alone is capable of increasing the average time on the blog page.

Not to mention the possibility that opens up for those who were interested in that post and were unable to read it, but can do so while driving or performing another more mechanical task, such as washing dishes, why not?

This makes it possible to generate more value and more engagement, because a solution to your lead's lack of time is being offered.

This measure can even help generate more leads, because it is a way to capture emails in a different way than landing pages. When the lead clicks on the player, they will need to leave their email to continue.

But here's a tip: no robotic voices. The narration needs to be very natural, human, and show emotion and rhythm.


Podcasts are nothing new, they have been around since 2004, and can be consumed through subscriptions or automatic downloads as updates are made. They are usually free.

Within the trend of preference for voice, it can be said that they were born modern, without this pretension, but they are also gaining new life.

For some professionals, including sales professionals, who live a dynamic routine, commuting, looking for clients and spending hours in traffic, podcasts are a great way to absorb new knowledge.

Listening to episodes on topics of interest, interviews or other materials can be very productive and help you grow and evolve. Do you want to generate more value than that?


An audiogram is simply audio that is superimposed on a still image and can be published on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

It can also have a more didactic character, for example, when an infographic is published that requires explanation.

home speakers

Remember what we talked about above about Google Home? The power of voice is recognized through virtual assistants that are bringing search experiences to our homes.

Home speakers don't need to be connected to smartphones; they can be different devices. Google Home even resembles a decorative object.

Google's mechanism can turn lights on and off, set alarms, display images of searches on a smart TV and also provide news about the weather, traffic and all kinds of questions you may ask.

In addition to Google, Amazon and Apple are investing in this new voice feature.

Undeniable advantages

So we can say that audio marketing is convenient because you can listen to it while doing other things; accessible because it makes it easier to consume content; easy to reuse because you can listen to it as many times as you want and it retains users' attention more; it promotes more engagement by capturing more leads and meets people's desires for smart use of time. In other words, it's the media of the moment! How about using it in your strategies?

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