Did you know that it is possible to make your customers become fans of your brand and, consequently, sell for you?
This is just one of the many benefits that the business online through brand marketing brings to your business. This concept wins over and retains consumers through a relationship that takes into account the company's values.
Therefore, brand marketing is directly linked to the planning behind each business. It is essential to understand what this concept is and how to apply it to your business. Check it out!
What is brand marketing?
If you know what is digital marketing, you must understand that within it there are several strategies to achieve the most diverse results. And brand marketing is one of them.
The concept of brand has existed for a long time, and has become increasingly important within the same segment, especially in the face of competitors.
Therefore, brand marketing is a strategy that aligns marketing actions with the business's strategic planning. In other words, it is a way of transmitting the company's mission, values and culture through campaigns, which are used as a basis for the development of its products and services.
This allows consumers to understand the brand's purpose and, as a result, begin a relationship with it. The brand strategy can be used by both large and small businesses, as any brand needs to be recognized by the market.
And what does brand mean?
In Portuguese, brand means brand. And have you ever stopped to think about how many topics involve this term?
A brand is much more than the figurative representation of a service or product; it is the way your company is recognized in the market. A brand encompasses memories and expectations.
Who doesn’t have that affection and a story to tell about a certain company?
Or there are also cases where the experience was not so pleasant, forming a negative memory about the product or service.
You've probably already realized that a brand is everything that comes to the consumer's mind when they think about your business. In addition to being the personality and identity of your company.
The logo, color palette and visual identity are important, as are your brand's mission and purpose. However, what remains in people's memories at the end of the day is the experience the company offered to the consumer and how it impacted their lives.
Coca-Cola is one of the experts when it comes to brand marketing, as it has created a link in the popular imagination between the product and family moments, such as a Sunday lunch or Christmas dinner.
Apple provides a great example of strengthening its brand, associating the brand with the idea of innovation and technology every year.
Do you understand how there is no such thing as marketing vs. branding?
The two terms are concepts that must go hand in hand, forming a successful partnership and bringing excellent results when applied correctly.
Having said all that, to put it simply, branding is a way for a business to stand out from the competition, after all, no two companies are the same.
Marketing and branding: understand the importance
We always comment here on how fierce the competition is. In other words, the customer has many options of what to buy, where to buy it and who to buy it from.
But anyone who thinks that today's consumer buys a product or hires a service is mistaken. They acquire the solution that your business brings to their lives.
An easy and tangible example is when someone buys a drill. This person does not buy this product thinking about the material good itself, but about the hole they need to make in the wall to hang that photograph or painting that brings good feelings, or the clock they need to hang in the kitchen so they will not be late again.
That's exactly what it's all about: your sales should be based on the experience they provide to the consumer. Therefore, using brand marketing strategies is of utmost importance, aiming to increase your brand's reach, recognition and reliability.
And it's no secret that satisfied customers recommend services and/or products to family, friends, acquaintances or even on social media, attracting potential consumers organically, reducing the cost of acquisition per customer and increasing your revenue.
Brand experience marketing actions will help generate value in your business, transforming customers into true fans of the brand and raising the level of your brand in comparison to other companies.
And if you think you don’t have the resources to do this, know that we’re not talking about some big event. A welcome email marketing or a post-purchase message make a lot more difference in the consumer’s day-to-day life than you might think.
Oh, and we can't forget the importance of online marketing branding as part of employees' routines too. An inspired team that sees the purpose of the business attracts many more customers.
Those who see value do not see price
Have you ever heard a customer complain that your product or service is too expensive?
This happens because most likely he is looking at the price, not the value. Brand marketing makes all the difference in this regard.
A brand that delivers what the customer needs, when they need it, transforming their lives, will not have problems like this.
This is the case, once again, with Apple. Prices may be exorbitant in Brazil, but consumers continue to change their cell phones year after year, eagerly awaiting the company's new products.
Who should do brand marketing?
For all those who have come this far and are still wondering whether they should apply brand marketing to their business, the answer is yes. Every entrepreneur who is looking to win loyal customers and who wants to stop chasing consumers should invest in this planning.
Remember that you don't need to be a big businessman with a well-established company in the market to start applying this strategy to your business.
Benefits of brand marketing
There are several benefits that brand marketing brings to digital business. Here are some of them:

- Increased customer confidence in the business: It is through branding actions that every company can gain the trust of its leads and customers. This is because people no longer buy products or services with the aim of meeting their needs, but rather for the shopping experience;
- Helps to build customer loyalty: Online brand marketing actions also help to build consumer loyalty, which reduces the cost of acquiring a customer, that is, the amount that the business invests to win a new customer.
- Impact on the valuation of digital products and services: This benefit is focused on the change that digital products or services can bring to the people who consume them. Therefore, any entrepreneur who can achieve this purpose will understand that their business has greater added value.
Read more:
Online brand marketing: know where to start
After all this explanation, are you committed to working on your brand's brand, but don't know where to start?
We brought some tips:

1- Have a solid and well-structured business purpose
Understanding that people do not buy a product/service but rather an experience or change in their lives, it is necessary to have the purpose of your business very well defined.
How do you help your customers? What is your company's mission? What makes your business unique from so many competitors?
Ultimately, there are countless questions you can ask to arrive at the denominator in question. The important thing is to have this well structured and pass this information on to the entire team.
2- Work on the company's organizational culture
The company's employees must be involved in the brand marketing strategies developed.
Furthermore, they need to believe in the company's purpose. They are the ones who are in contact with customers every day, so they will have a large part of the responsibility for transmitting all this information to consumers.
3- Know who your persona and target audience are
For all marketing strategies, this is a crucial and non-negotiable point. Knowing your target audience and your person will make you understand what that customer expects from your brand, what pain points they are looking to solve, in addition to the entire purchasing journey – known as customer journey – which he goes through from the first visit, until he definitively becomes a consumer and makes the purchase.
4- Don't forget about visual identity
Did you know that the color red is the most used in food companies?
The explanation is because it is considered the color of hunger, stimulating not only appetite, but also urgency.
Did you remember any brand with golden arches?
In any case, it is important not to forget aspects such as the logo, color palette, fonts used, in short, everything that encompasses the brand's visual identity and also conveys information.
5- Don't forget about relationship marketing
O marketing of relationship These are strategies aimed at ensuring that the customer, or potential customer, has a positive experience with the brand.
Examples of actions are loyalty programs, as well as emails with personalized promotions or discounts on special dates such as the customer's birthday.
6- Count on a good digital marketing agency
We know how difficult it can be to take care of all these points: design, business positioning, brand recognition, among many other topics that must be taken into account when building a brand.
Therefore, there is nothing better than having a digital marketing agency in this process.
With professionals specialized in content production with a focus on SEO, paid media, inbound marketing analysts, designers and everything your brand needs to offer the best to your customer and convert it into more sales for you.
How is your business's brand marketing going? If you need help, contact the GS2 Marketing Digital team!
GS2 Digital Marketing
We are experts in attracting visitors, generating leads and nurturing a good relationship with the customer until the moment of purchase.
Our success strategy is based on the design of your brand's purchasing journey. We gather data and analyze our successful clients from different segments to come up with a methodology that will increase your sales.
We have the best brand marketing strategies to make your business grow!
Want to know more about how GS2 Marketing Digital can help you structure your brand?
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