A brand personas personifies a brand's values and conveys a message full of stories and meanings in the search to engage consumers who have values and beliefs similar to those of the brand.
Therefore, to create a brand persona you need a strategy.
Want to find out more? Stay tuned for more information.
What is a brand persona?
A brand personas is part of the strategy of Brand Content. According to Rock Content, Branded Content It is "quality content strategy that is related to the universe of which your organization is a part and is relevant to your target audience”. A brand is much more than its look or its logo.
Think about this: people tend to only buy products and services from brands they truly believe in and identify with. After all, who wants to have a relationship with someone or something they don't identify with, that doesn't have a position or doesn't convey credibility?
It is important to emphasize that it is not the objective of brand personas taking the consumer from discovery to the purchase decision at the different stages of the funnel. Likewise, it does not aim to sell its products and services per se.
Measuring your results, for example, goes beyond the traffic generated and Google ranking. Therefore, a brand needs to really know who it is.

Brand persona vs. buyer persona
The structure for creating the characters of brand personas and buyer person are similar. However, the purpose of brand personas is to engage and bring consumers' values closer to their own brand values.
In the creation of the brand persona, We write and document a language guide with a defined tone of speech and brand voice – it’s not always just visuals or first-person texts.
It is an entire semantic construction that defines the brand's own ways of speaking, slang, regionalisms and identification with its visual language.
Already buyer person It is a fictitious profile that represents the brand's ideal buyer, where we set up a strategy with keyword mapping and search behavior that considers the different stages of the marketing funnel and traffic generation for blogs.
The focus of the character buyer person is to help the company better understand who its consumer is and what they really need and want.
GS2 Marketing's brand persona
A GS2 Marketing Mug is the character of Agency GS2 Marketing, which was created to make the agency's relationship with the public more human, in addition to representing our brand very well.
How about getting to know more about GS2 Marketing Mug? Stay tuned to our Instagram!
As our Mug once said, “With good coffee or a cup of tea we build the best stories! "

How to create Brand Persona?
Brand pillars
They are a set of keywords that describe and represent the brand. Brand pillars are excellent compasses when creating content on blogs, ads and social networks.
Brand essence
These are the characteristics that define the personality or essence of the brand. For example, what words come to mind when you think of Disney? They are certainly family, fun and entertainment.
Brand promise
The brand promise is a kind of “subtext” agreement between the brand and the consumer, which tells the customer, without being explicit, what they can expect when purchasing goods or services from the company.
Here’s an easy formula for crafting your brand promise:
Brand Promise = Verb (how) + Target (that/through) + Result (what)
- Verb (as): how the brand will help the customer (try to use verbs in the infinitive that convey a connotation of transformation);
- Target (which): in which media the brand will fulfill the promise above, at what time, where and what is the objective of its action;
- Result: what change, what benefit the brand will bring to the customer's life.
Mission Statement
This is where the brand shows its main reasons for existing (but not profit, for example).
What to consider when building a Brand Persona?
- Voice tone;
- Semantic constellation (group of words that repeat);
- Quotes and authors you admire;
- Slang and regionalisms;
- Ways of arguing;
- References she uses when speaking.
Meet GS2 Digital Marketing
If you are looking to build a successful business with a Brand Persona that really makes sense and brings value to your brand, get to know GS2 Marketing Digital, an agency specialized in inbound marketing, with a total focus on results.
We use the best digital marketing tools to produce assertive content for our clients, with creative and remarkable actions.
This seriousness and intelligence in digital marketing provides recognition from many of our clients, for whom we have become a lead generation and conversion machine.