One of the main transformations observed in these times of quarantine was the great growth of live broadcasts, that is, live transmissions on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or YouTube.
The tool is not something new, but it has gained a lot of strength and has become an ally of companies that do Digital marketing!
Check out the text below and learn how to do a successful live!
First of all, how important are live streams for a company's Digital Marketing strategies?
Many people may think it's a pointless and futile joke, but promoting live streams is very beneficial for any type of business. This is because platforms usually give a certain priority to live videos, notifying all followers of the profile in question and increasing the possibility of people being interested in the content.
However, immediate visibility is not the only purpose. If we stop to think about what a live stream actually consists of, we will realize that it is an excellent way to get closer to followers, as there are ways to promote interaction during the live video.
From the moment the company starts using this tool correctly, sharing valuable experiences with its audience, it humanizes the brand and begins to achieve what is perhaps the most important element for success in the digital world: engagement.
Engagement increases profit and Marketing has evolved to help with that!
To understand the sentence above, it is necessary to keep in mind that, with technological advancement and intense digital transformation The world has gone through and continues to go through this period, and the ways of doing Marketing have changed, adapting to new consumer preferences. As a result, Relationship Marketing was born, a concept and strategy that says that it is no longer enough to simply attract customers, but rather to maintain their interest and involvement, ensuring a good relationship for future purchases.
However, for this to happen, it is necessary to look for the little word we mentioned earlier in the text: engajamento. To engage, according to the Aurélio dictionary, means to participate voluntarily in something, that is, an engaged person is one who is committed and dedicated to a cause.
That is, creating engagement among a company's audience is the way to make people committed to the corporation. Check out some benefits of this condition:
1- Find ways to promote engagement, as is the case with live broadcasts, makes the customer feel special, valued and motivated to return to buy whenever they need to;
2- Nowadays, the value of a product goes far beyond its price. People are willing to pay even more if they feel there is added value in what they are buying, which happens when the company seeks engagement;
3- Finally, a satisfied customer with product quality and the interactive content that the company is able to offer naturally becomes a brand promoter, indicating family and friends, increasing the visibility of the business in question.
Now that you know the importance of live broadcasts and, especially, the engagement they create, check out some tips for making a live broadcast even more powerful!
As previously mentioned, live broadcasts are excellent tools for companies to connect with their audience in a unique and intelligent way. However, anyone who thinks that to be successful in broadcasting, all you need to do is sit in front of a camera and press play is mistaken. Check out some tips to enhance your company's live broadcast:
1- Try to notify your followers in advance, by making promotional posts, at least least one day before the broadcast, giving people more time to prepare;
2- Try to choose topics that spark your followers’ curiosity, such as interviews with employees, behind-the-scenes footage from the company, product demonstrations, and questions and answers. These topics generally pique people’s curiosity and increase engagement;
3- Don't wait until the live broadcast to promote interaction, but do it when you are going to announce the topic, asking the audience to send questions to be answered during the broadcast and sharing the post with friends. To do this, the company can think of some kind of prize draw for everyone who participates, with the aim of increasing effectiveness;
4- The audience of a live broadcast, whether on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or any other platform, is very volatile, therefore, from time to time, it is important for the presenter in question to remind the broadcast's theme, seeking to "capture" the attention of those who are arriving at that moment.
The technical part is also important to make a quality broadcast!
Contrary to what some people think, it is not necessary to invest a fortune in very expensive equipment to do a good live broadcast, but rather to keep in mind that some technical details are fundamental to maintaining engagement during the broadcast, such as:
1- Be careful to use a microphone that doesn't make noise and allows people to hear the transmission easily and at the ideal volume;
2- Lighting is also very important, but that doesn’t mean you need to invest in professional equipment. Broadcasting in a bright room may be enough;
3- As live streaming consumes a lot of bandwidth, it is very important to broadcast with quality internet, in order to avoid drops and, consequently, people losing interest.
In addition to all this, it is also very important to pay attention to the structure of the live broadcast, keeping a written script on hand to prevent the broadcast from losing its “line” and becoming uninteresting!
Does your company already do live streams?
If the answer is no, you are missing out on an excellent opportunity to do Digital Marketing. Therefore, use our tips and start as soon as possible!