Artificial Intelligence in digital marketing: 6 trends

Get ready: we are experiencing one of the greatest technological revolutions of all time with Artificial Intelligence. Some say it will replace many jobs. However, we believe that if we know how to use it, we will all benefit: in terms of productivity, business generation and profitability.

Artificial Intelligence in digital marketing: 6 trends

Get ready: we are experiencing one of the greatest technological revolutions of all time with Artificial Intelligence. Some say it will replace many jobs. However, we believe that if we know how to use it, we will all benefit: in terms of productivity, business generation and profitability.  

And there are already several tools used today that are adopting a Artificial Intelligence to improve interaction with customers. 

One of the strategies adopted are bots, which are increasingly modern, and some even incorporate voice resources to have a greater connection with the user. And who hasn't heard of Chat GPT artificial intelligence?

Two years from now you will be thankful you read this post. 

How does artificial intelligence work in digital marketing?

A (AI) Artificial Intelligence helps brands to optimize processes and, consequently, reduce production time. Therefore, it is one of the most promising points of this year and should be explored by companies in the coming years. 

According to the Global AI Adoption Index 2022, recently released by IBM, 41% of Brazilian companies use Artificial Intelligence in their business operations, and 34% explore the technology. 

In Brazil, the use of Artificial Intelligence is being driven by advances that make AI more accessible to businesses (56%), its increasing incorporation into standard business applications (48%), and the need to reduce costs and automate key processes (39%).

In the lecture by Marcelo Sousa, president of ABRADI (Brazilian Association of Digital Agents), at Digitalks 2018, It was possible to visualize practical applications of Artificial Intelligence in the day-to-day of marketing and the advantages that this near future holds for us professionals in the area.

In fact, for many, this future has already arrived, and already with famous names, such as GPT and Midjourney, which have been causing a stir since the end of 2022. 

The first irrefutable advantage is that using this tool on a daily basis will allow you to spend much more time on strategic functions – and everyone who works with digital marketing knows how important it is to have time to develop strategies.

Operational tasks will, in fact, be replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence: what is it?

About Artificial Intelligence, Steven Spielberg's 2001 film 'AI', in which robots assumed human intelligence and feelings, but were still treated as cold machines, and discarded as such, left many people rooting for the wronged little robots.

Today, more than two decades later, its use is still far from transforming machines into men, but its functions are already extremely useful in our daily lives, especially in the corporate field. 

Even so, many still ask themselves 'what is Artificial Intelligence?'. 

Artificial Intelligence is human-like intelligence, presented by mechanisms or software. This concept has been around for a long time, but it is only now that it is being put into practice. 

The executive, consultant and author in the area of ​​innovation and business, and one of the most influential digital thinkers of today, Martha Gabriel, reinforces that, in fact, neural network schemes applied to imitate human thought have existed in theory for a long time, but what did not allow Artificial Intelligence of these higher leaps was that there were no processors that could handle the practical application of this.

For Martha, AI associated with IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, Robotics and Nanotechnology is one of the structural pillars of technological transformation in the world.

According to her, this transformation is already happening now. Currently, we already have at our disposal a level of Artificial Intelligence that is evolving significantly with the deep learning, which is what is behind digital assistants.

Martha says that AI is currently extremely specialized in some activity, and can already beat humans, such as beating world champion Garry Kasparov at chess, or even performing image recognition much better than humans.

In digital marketing, Martha states that this resource alone will boost the sector, because it can be used with better chatbots, assistants, such as audience behavior analysis and make many more improvements to results. The use of AI in marketing is beginning to gain new possibilities and tends to evolve.

In fact, we need to go beyond assistants and chatbots, as Artificial Intelligence It is much more than that and new ways of using it are already being implemented in various sectors. Due to the huge field of use, it can still be difficult to form a clear image of how to use all the resources of artificial intelligence in everyday life.

New AI trends

The use of Artificial Intelligence must be done in conjunction with SEO and other already known marketing strategies to obtain a better ranking in search engines, such as Google. 

But there are 6 trends for this year:

1 - Personalization 

Artificial intelligence is capable of collecting countless data and interpreting it, enabling the segmentation of advertisements and publicity. 

By joining forces with it, marketing professionals can create accurate content, divided by each audience, social network and time.

In this way, the brand is personalized for the customer, leaving them captivated with each insight viewed. 

2 – Deep Learning

Deep learning is a sub-area of ​​AI that uses artificial neural networks to analyze and learn from large volumes of data. 

This approach has driven significant advances in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and unstructured data analysis.

3 – Explainability

As AI becomes increasingly present in critical systems such as healthcare and finance, transparency and explainability of AI models become essential. 

Research is being conducted to develop methods that allow us to understand and explain the decisions made by AI systems, increasing trust and acceptance of these technologies.

4 – Conversational experiences

AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots are becoming increasingly sophisticated in understanding and generating natural language. Conversational AI is being applied to customer service, technical support, sales, and other user interactions, providing a more personalized and efficient experience.

For example, it is possible to create conversational AIs that can really grab attention and delight customers. A great example of this is Amazon's Alexa, which can converse with people as if it were a human. 

This type of software can help with:

Lead Generation 

They are more dynamic and convert more than static forms.

customer engagement 

With bots, you can offer 24-hour support, leaving your customer free to get in touch whenever they can. 

Support Troubleshooting

The faster a support request or complaint is responded to, the better for the company's visibility. 

5 – Predictive analysis

AI can process large volumes of customer data, such as purchase history, preferences, social media interactions, and online behavior, to identify patterns and trends.

This helps businesses better understand their customers, segment them more accurately, and create targeted marketing campaigns.

6 – Mobile devices and edge computing

With the increase in processing power on mobile devices and the adoption of edge computing (processing data close to the source), AI is being embedded in smartphones, wearables and other devices, enabling AI algorithms to run directly on the devices and improving performance and privacy.Artificial Intelligence Tooltips

Artificial Intelligence Tooltips Ask Your PDF: Helps you chat with PDF documents; Nero AI: Increases the size of your images without losing quality; Browse AI: Helps you extract data from any website; Chat GPT SideBar: Extension to use Chat GPT on any website; LongShot AI: Writing assistant for content creation; Remove BG: Removes image background; Magical AI: Automates repetitive tasks; Bearly AI: Tool for reading, writing and creating content; Rephrase AI: Converts texts to videos; Supernormal AI: Tool for recording meetings; Hint AI: Increases productivity; Durable AI: Creates websites in less than 5 minutes; Riffusion: Creates music from texts; Piggy Quiz Maker: Creates quizzes with just one command.

Types of artificial intelligence

There are many types of AI, but there are three main ones:

Artificial Intelligence Limits (ANI)

This type of AI has a single objective: to store large volumes of data and perform complex tasks, according to programming. 

It can perform complex calculations very quickly, but it doesn't go beyond that, which is why it is also called 'weak AI'.

Within it, there are two subcategories:

Reactive Machines

They do not have many resources nor do they store much data. They only react to some stimuli, depending on their configuration. 

Limited Memory

This type is more advanced than the previous one. It stores more data and uses it to make decisions. It also relies on the user's previous choices and offers similar content. 

An example application of Artificial Intelligence with limited memory is Netflix, which offers movies and series based on what the user usually watches. 

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

This type of AI is capable of performing tasks similar to those performed by humans. It learns using the techniques of machine learning algorithm , as well as understanding and reacting to specific stimuli. It is also called 'strong AI' or 'human-level'. 

There are also two subcategories within it:

Aware Machines

They are able to understand the stimuli received to process information. 

Self-Aware Machines

They are aware of themselves and the world, which makes it easier to understand stimuli, as well as react to them like a human being.

Superintelligence (ASI)

This is still an unknown, as it is being studied, but it is believed that it will be superior to human intelligence. It is also possible that it will be able to make decisions and store data. 

Scientists believe that it will be much more intelligent than the human mind and will be able to perform tasks impossible for us humans. 

Read more about: 

Six possible practices with Artificial Intelligence

Let's check out some possibilities of artificial intelligence, according to Marcelo Sousa, president of ABRADi:

1) Changes in campaign targeting

Currently, we use segmentation based on registration data (age, social class, gender, preferences, etc.) and demographic segmentation a lot.

With Artificial Intelligence, segmentations will be much more behavioral. An example from the speech by the president of ABRADI: campaign for people aged 63, AAA audience and those who like sports cars. It is restricted, right? But not so much. Let's see?

Within this group, we have Bill Gates, but also Mr. Bean. These are two very different approaches, don't you agree?

But with the Artificial Intelligence, they will easily be identified as very different audiences, and much more assertive strategies can be designed with this data.

2) Image interpretation

With advances in Artificial Intelligence, this interpretation will be transformed into consumer data. And this can boost the accuracy of monitoring on social networks.

We will be able to monitor, for example, what people are showing in their photos and not just what they write. For example, we will know when a person shows a photo with a Coca-Cola product in some part of the image.

For brands, this will be incredible because it goes beyond just monitoring what is written on social media, which is done today; it will be possible to monitor what is shown as well.

3) Programmatic Media

We will have much more effective programmatic media, because with Artificial Intelligence, you can segment your audience according to their behavior. With this, the data offered will favor predictive media.

Let's take, for example, a company that sells wine. With AI, it will be possible to predict that a person with such and such characteristics tends to like wine by sampling their behavior, even if they have never bought wine, similar products or visited websites related to the subject.

With AI, this person can be impacted, this will be predictive marketing, which will be able to predict people's behavior.

We mentioned wine here, but it could be any other product or service. The fantastic thing is the possibility of predicting a certain person's behavior before they even do so.

4) Automatic content generation

In the United States, some companies have already revealed that they use the facility, such as ESPN and Yahoo. These companies claim to have already produced thousands of pieces of content through Artificial Intelligence. And, there, no one noticed anything mechanized in the texts, the language was very natural.

GPT chat for SEO is one of the topics that has been widely discussed. It is an automated form of communication that uses Artificial Intelligence to answer user questions. 

The tool is able to interpret data and understand the user's intention to produce a more accurate response. 

Additionally, it may provide information such as product suggestions, promotional offers, and other relevant information to offer a more personalized and unique experience for users.

GPT chat in digital marketing has become increasingly important to boost business.

There are many differences in GPT chat, but there are also limitations, such as a certain distrust about the sources that feed the data provided and a limited information base until 2021.  

5) Message personalization

Artificial Intelligence You will learn how to craft the perfect message for each lead, not just for a group of people. Practically a dream for us digital marketers!

For a given lead, AI will know what the best title is, what the best words are to attract them, that is, the perfect message for each future client, in a totally individualized, personalized way. It won't be a conversation with a niche, but with each person, really.

It's almost a face-to-face conversation. And that's exactly what we haven't been able to do yet, because there are so many variables in the relationship with each person, like in the example of Bill Gates and Mr. Bean, in a way the same target for a given product, but such different people that they need different approaches.  

Just like them, how many other people are interested in this product that we wouldn't be able to identify even with a great persona study?

6) Customer Lifecycle Management

When a customer makes a purchase, digital marketing doesn’t yet know what product to offer them next. Of course, we can do this today by analyzing the purchase journey, etc. 

If the person buys this, I will offer that. But with the Artificial Intelligence It will be possible to do predictive marketing with a much higher degree of accuracy and personalization (and not just if he buys a racket, I will offer him a ball).

It will be easier for AI to know how customers buy, when they buy, how to approach them and what to offer. It will be possible to predict their next purchasing steps in a very individualized way.

In fact, even before the person themselves, AI will know what their next consumption step will be, because it can process large volumes of customer data, such as purchase history, preferences, social media interactions and online behavior, to identify patterns and trends.

Not to mention the lead qualification part, because with this predictive data, the delivery of hotter leads to the sales team will be much more efficient.

Currently, it is possible to qualify leads, but with AI, this action can be done on a large scale, in a much cheaper and more assertive way.

This is one of the cases of operational work that will be passed on to Artificial Intelligence, lead qualification. The salesperson will be freer to do what they know best, which is closing the sale.

Challenge for retail

The big challenge will be to be able to deliver this personalized information to retail and integrate the physical store, for example, so that the seller can offer their products to customers with information collected from all of people's actions on the internet.

Marketing mix model

In marketing campaigns, you always have to divide your budget between several advertising channels. This can be challenging.

And at this point we have another advantage of Artificial Intelligence, which will be able to better distribute the budget between the different channels so that the campaigns are more effective.

In other words, decision science is the goal of Artificial Intelligence in marketing.

But before everyone despairs, thinking that we are all going to be out of work, calm down! AI will only improve what we already do well manually, it will allow us to be more creative and strategic.


You will not be replaced by Artificial Intelligence, but by people who are right now using it to do what takes you hours (and even days) to do. 

Therefore, learn how to use Artificial Intelligence tools to your advantage. 

GS2 Marketing Agency

If you are looking to build a successful business that really makes sense and brings value to your brand, get to know GS2 Marketing Digital, an agency specialized in inbound marketing, with a total focus on results. 

We use the best digital marketing tools to produce assertive content for our clients, with creative and remarkable actions. 

This seriousness and intelligence in digital marketing provides recognition from many of our clients, for whom we have become a lead generation and conversion machine. 

Contact Us.


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