Did you know that an efficient strategy of Customer Marketing, popularly known as Customer Marketing, can increase the retention and loyalty of your brand's consumers, making them become your advocates?
The strategy also aims to increase the credibility of your business and expand your customer base.
Read and learn everything about the subject!
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After all, what is Customer Marketing?
Customer Marketing consists of the process that makes the directing marketing strategies to your customer base. Your goal is to identify additional products or services that are suitable for your existing customers, so that you can retain them and turn them into advocates for your brand.
Your establishment involves ensuring that consumers have a successful experience with the company, so that they are more likely to comment on the product or service provided to friends and family, which increases the visibility of your business.
Why invest in Customer Marketing?
For many years, companies seemed to be more concerned with acquiring new customers than retaining existing ones. However, this is changing.
Regardless of whether the company is B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to end consumer), the importance of offering a good product, a good experience and promoting loyalty has been growing more and more, breaking old market paradigms.
Second Referral Candy study, 83% of satisfied customers are willing to recommend your brand to others, which generates new opportunities. This means that investing in customer relationship strategies increases the chances of sales and your credibility in the market.
Therefore, it is important to understand that a good relationship between the company and the customer can provide a positive experience, in addition to giving a sense of community to its base, since satisfied customers are willing to analyze, in a convincing way, their experience with the product, clarifying doubts or recommending it to other people.
Customer engagement also makes customers feel more comfortable giving feedback and interacting with the brand, which makes the process of finding brand advocates more effective.
What are the advantages of Customer Marketing?
Discover some advantages of implementing Customer Marketing:
Customers willing to buy from the company
When you do a good job of managing the customer journey and your relationship with your company, consumers are more likely to try other products/services.
Greater qualification in sales opportunities
The definition of person Attracting people who are suitable for your business model is very important to increase the number of qualified leads generated by your digital marketing strategy.
However, when you get to the stage where your own customers are spreading the word about your brand and attracting new customers, that work is pretty much done.
Since your client already knows what you do, how you do it, which market you serve and what benefits your solution offers, they can pass on the information to other people who also have the same needs they had before they found out about the company.
Increased customer retention
The more you can increase your customers' satisfaction and offer good experiences, the less likely they will look for new solutions with your competitors.
How to implement Customer Marketing?
Here are some ways to start implementing Customer Marketing in your company:
Try to develop personalized actions and messages
It is very important to develop marketing actions that are relevant to your customer base, offering personalized messages focused on their needs.
Remember: the greater the consumer's involvement and proximity to your company, the greater the chances of receiving a recommendation from them.
Therefore, simple actions such as handwritten thank you letters or giving gifts to your most important customers can create the intimate tone that your company needs.
A successful example that used this method to surprise its consumers is Celonia, a North American high-tech data mining company, which, in its early days, produced handwritten letters to send to his clients.
According to Alexander Rinke, CEO of the company, the idea came about because he believed it was a more effective way to reach his consumers, as it seemed more personal.
“We knew that if we sent an email, it would be deleted. And if we sent printed or typed letters, secretaries would just open them and throw them away,” the businessman tells BBC series The Boss.
Create a Referral Marketing Program
It consists of encouraging your consumers to promote your brand to other people in exchange for some benefit, such as gifts, promotions, discounts, etc.
This is a strategy that aims to transform your customer base into a predictable and profitable sales channel. A well-executed referral program can significantly increase engagement and the number of qualified leads.
Referral Marketing will help improve relationships and enhance the customer experience with your brand.
Organize events
As you understand how consumers use the product or service, you can organize events that follow a trend among most of your customers.
For example, in the beginning, it is normal for doubts to be common.
Over time, companies/customers at similar stages of use may have similar ideas and struggles.
Live or Webinar are ideas for practices that can be carried out frequently, based on the needs perceived by consumers.
Keep yourself as a reference
There is no point in investing in strategies to promote consumer loyalty if the quality of the product does not meet expectations.
Therefore, concern for customer experience must be considered at all times, making it one of the crucial aspects of business success.
Now that you know What is Customer Marketing and why is it so important?, it's time to start drawing up your strategies to increase your sales even more!