Structured data in videos: understand how important they are

What company doesn't want to see their video recommended on the first page of Google? However, to achieve this, it is essential, in addition to creating quality content, to pay attention to the platform's rules and structured data. But what is this? In this post, you will better understand what they are for and how they can make a difference. Follow along and stay informed!

Structured data in videos: understand how important they are

What company doesn't want to see their video recommended on the first page of Google? However, to achieve this, it is essential, in addition to creating quality content, to pay attention to the platform's rules and structured data..

But what is this? In this post you will better understand what they are for and how they can make a difference.

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Structured data: what is it?

Structured data are a standardized way of providing information to Google about content, whether it is video or another format..

Let's consider, for example, a restaurant that made a video teaching how to make a savory dish:

  • Through structured data, it is possible to indicate that the content is from a restaurant, refers to a recipe X, in video format, which indicates the ingredients, the preparation method, among other important information about the topic.

Therefore, using structured data is a way to classify content, so that the platform quickly understands that it will be satisfactory and will answer users' questions. 

Why insert structured data into videos?

Knowing what a particular video is about is a very important factor for Google's recommendation, after all, the platform aims to provide increasingly better, safer and more assertive experiences to users.

However, identifying the material and the topics being covered requires a certain amount of effort from the search engine. Therefore, creating quality content is important, but that alone is not enough!

When a video or even a website does not contain enough information, Google usually understands that the content may not be interesting to the user. And what happens? The material is hardly recommended to people.

Videos with structured data can perform better and consequently obtain good results, as Google can understand the information there more clearly and recommend it frequently.

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Unstructured data: what is it?

While structured data allows videos to be classified, facilitating their identification, unstructured data presents challenging content for analysis and processing, as it lacks defined and organized information.

Social networks, such as Instagram, are an example of unstructured data, where posts contain a variety of texts, images and videos, making content recognition a more complex and time-consuming task.

Semi-structured data

Semi-structured data is in the middle ground, although the structure with regard to information about the content is not fully configured, it is partially structured.

Examples of semi-structured data:

  • emails;
  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange);
  • Delimited files; 
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language);
  • Web pages;
  • Compressed files.

Algorithms and data structures: what is the relationship?

in the universe of digital marketing strategies, algorithms play a crucial role in enabling the accurate delivery of content to the right audiences.

However, it is imperative to have a solid data structure in place for the algorithm to perform its function successfully. Find out what it is and how both operate:


An algorithm is a sequence of instructions and commands structured to achieve an objective, whether it be to solve a problem or perform a task.

On social media, algorithms are used to indicate profiles, brands, products and/or services that are consistent with each person's behavior. And they can make this identification through the profiles you access and interact with, through your shares and searches, among other factors.

Data structure

These are ways of organizing and storing data, in order to enable operations to be carried out with the data in a correct and secure manner.

In practice, for the algorithm to achieve its objective, it is essential to obtain an organized data structure that facilitates the manipulation of information.

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YouTube video recommendations with structured data

When a video on YouTube is configured with structured data, when performing a search on Google, the platform is usually able to automatically display to the user the exact time in which the video addresses the searched topic.

However, for this functionality to occur and for the video to be recommended frequently, it is crucial to provide detailed information about the key points of the content, including a comprehensive description, tags (titles for each segment) and timestamps (indicating when each segment starts).

Check out the main formatting guidelines when uploading a video to YouTube:

  • When marking time, the ideal is to follow the following logic: [hour]:[minute]:[second];
  • Insert the label and time stamp on the same line;
  • Place each timestamp on a new line in the video description;
  • Link the timestamp to the specified point in the video;
  • Pay attention to whether the label contains at least one word;
  • List the timestamps in chronological order.

In addition to these issues, to improve the performance of videos in Google searches, it is essential to follow the guidelines:

  • The video must be able to create direct links;
  • The video needs to include the properties;
  • It is important that the video is added to a page that users will be able to access.

Structured data: videos on websites and web pages

Videos on websites and/or web pages may appear in different locations on Google, as well as on the main search results page.

However, it is important to help the platform find the video, so it is essential to provide the recommended information, including structured data:

  • To increase the exposure of videos, the ideal is to create a page dedicated to each video;
  • The video must be available on a public page;
  • The page must be simple, so that the user does not have difficulty navigating;
  • Content loading time is a factor analyzed by the platform, so it cannot be slow;
  • Videos must have clear information, be visible and easily accessible on the page.

How to analyze video results with structured data?

As you may have noticed throughout this text, Google seeks to deliver personalized content, that is, content that will truly answer the user's specific question.

Therefore, in addition to creating content that contains rich and targeted information, it is important to correctly configure the video, as well as the page, with structured data, so that the results are even better.

Once this is done, it is possible to make a comparison between the previous videos and the videos with structured data, and pay attention to the following metrics:

  • View count;
  • Reproduction rate;
  • Repetitions;
  • Click-through rate;
  • Conversions.

Meet GS2 Digital Marketing

To perform in the digital world, always aiming for results, it is essential, in addition to creating content that is relevant to the company's target audience, to be aware of the guidelines and rules of platforms, such as Google.

Google is one of the world's leading search engines and content posted in video format, among others, must be configured with structured data, correctly following the platform's guidelines..

So, if you are looking to build a successful business that really makes sense and brings value to your brand, get to know GS2 Digital Marketing, an agency specialized in inbound marketing, with a total focus on results. 

We use the best digital marketing tools to produce assertive content for our clients, with creative and remarkable actions. In addition to a highly specialized team, which includes traffic managers. 

This seriousness and intelligence in digital marketing provides recognition from many of our clients, for whom we have become a lead generation and conversion machine. 

Contact Us.

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