With all the difficulties caused by the new coronavirus pandemic, such as the drop in productivity and the slowdown in the economy, many companies are facing the challenge of maintaining a minimally healthy sales process, with salespeople working home office and, in the vast majority of cases, having to get used to this new routine.
For companies that already had a team accustomed to remote sales, the impacts may be reduced. However, those who are just entering this market may experience some difficulties.
If you want some remote sales tips, follow the text and improve your company's outlook!
If you’re not already selling remotely, start now! This is no time to sit back and wait for the storm to pass!
It is a fact that, since the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic, companies around the world have been suffering from the impacts caused by it, mainly due to the recommendation of social isolation, which frustrated the plans of almost all entrepreneurs who had physical points of sale.
In this situation, the solution for those who want to remain active in the market is to seek innovation, which in this case means finding ways to reach customers, since they cannot go to the company. To do this, opting for ways to do business remotely is extremely important and is proving to be a lifesaver for the vast majority.
In this case, adaptation to the “new market” can be carried out in several ways, such as:
Set up a home delivery scheme
Contrary to what many people think, the “delivery” system is not exclusive to restaurants. This is a very diverse market and offers opportunities for all types of establishments, from pet shops, laundries, pharmacies, clothing stores, among many other segments.
In the current situation, the idea of seeking this new form is to gain space in a market that did not previously exist for your company and, in this way, remain active in the market.
Use digital media to communicate with your customers
The crisis is showing how important it is to Marketing in times of pandemic, mainly to instruct companies on how to adapt their communication to the current situation. After all, with this new reality, showing empathy and avoiding opportunism is the secret to adding value to brands.
And all of this is related to a good presence on social media, mainly to remain close to your consumer during this period of social isolation and, in this way, prevent the company from falling into ostracism.
Create digital task forces and expand your audience!
If you are a clothing/accessories and beauty retailer, for example, instruct your employees to act as “consultants” for your brand/company in the online environment. They will become influencers for your brand in digital environments (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp). They will boost your online and offline sales and may even make deliveries, depending on the scope of action of each business!
There are several other actions that can be taken during this difficult time to continue selling, even remotely, such as investing in e-commerce, one of the methods that has been most adopted by companies during the pandemic. The idea is to use creativity and keep in mind that it is impossible to say no to these changes!
Selling remotely may be an emergency at the moment, but everything indicates that it will be a trend in the post-pandemic world.
The world is facing a process of intense transformation. The pandemic has been a major driver for the adoption and use of new resources by companies, especially those related to remote sales, as you saw earlier. And anyone who thinks that these measures will only be effective until the end of the quarantine is mistaken.
According to a a study by KPMG, new business models, based on distance sales and, mainly, e-commerce, will be essential for the success of any organization.
This is because many people, who had never made a purchase online or over the phone before, are being forced to opt for this type of service and realizing how much easier it can be than having to travel to the establishment to consume a certain product or service.
Therefore, whoever manages to achieve good results with this “new” sales model during quarantine can be sure that they will be very well prepared for the future! On the other hand, whoever refuses to enter this world will be far behind the competition!
The changes are significant, but it is very important that your company's sales team adapts quickly and in the best possible way.
We know that the crisis caused by the new coronavirus has had a major impact on your business planning and that this was unexpected. Many of your salespeople had probably never worked from home before and had no experience with it. inside sales. However, despite all the difficulties, this change must happen in the best and quickest way possible, aiming to provide prompt service to the consumer.
You must have the following thought: while your company is not able to put this new model to work properly, there is a competitor that may already be used to serving your same audience.
So, check out some Tips to help your sales team adapt to remote sales:
Remember that the health of your sales team is very important at this time.
Try to offer everything possible to preserve the health of your team and your clients. Choose to respect social isolation by scheduling video conference meetings through platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, among others.
In addition, it is also necessary to take care of mental health, so make regular contact to find out how your team members are dealing with isolation, loneliness, family life, etc. This is very important to keep them well to work in the best possible way.
Align with your team whenever possible
During this time, video conference meetings should be your main ally in keeping your sales team engaged and motivated. Therefore, schedule regular conversations with your team and look for creative ways to keep everyone mentally well to face this challenge together.
Make adjustments to your sales pitch
The famous sales pitch (or speech) needs to be adapted for remote sales. This is because, when the salesperson is face to face with the customer, it is much easier to engage them in the conversation and induce them to consume their product or service.
Without physical proximity as an advantage, the big challenge is to ensure that the person your sales team is trying to convince to buy does not get distracted or feel like they are wasting their time with that contact. To do this, the pitch needs to be more attractive and ignore unnecessary information.
Additionally, train your salespeople to listen to observations and complaints made by consumers and use this information to improve the sales process!
Use and abuse technology to your advantage
It is important to keep in mind that when selling remotely, it is much more important to build relationships and build closeness than when the contact is in person. Therefore, try to use tools, in addition to video conference calls, to help you with this, such as:
- Email marketing automated and personalized;
– Make notes on the CRM during all contacts;
– Access the complete history of opportunities, with all interactions recorded from the Marketing and prospecting stages.
Additionally, it is also important to improve your schedule, and tools like Calendly make it easier to schedule meetings with clients and make your sales team's day much more productive!
Linkedin can be a great tool to help with remote sales
It is visible that all the social networks features very important for companies, even more so in the current market context, in which they are the main form of advertising products/services and having proximity to the consumer. However, when it comes to remote sales during quarantine, no network is as important as LinkedIn.
According to Renata Centurion, partner and director of Winning By Design, one of the largest sales coaching companies in all of Latin America, the famous “work social network”, which already has almost 347 million registered users worldwide, is functioning as a “business card” for salespeople.
After all, at a time when social isolation is necessary and sales are being made over the phone or through video platforms, it becomes much more difficult to gain the trust of consumers who, as a way of feeling safer, are using Linkedin to learn a little about the person on the other side.
Therefore, in addition to using all the tips mentioned above, also instruct your team on the importance of staying active on this social network that is often forgotten. In this case, the recommendation is to always post interesting and impactful content about your work and the goals achieved by the company, as a way of showing the customer your competence and making them feel more confident when making the purchase!
So, how is your experience with remote work and distance selling?!
How is your team doing? Use these tips and watch the results appear!