Digital Marketing: the best strategies for 2021

Digital Marketing: the best strategies for 2021

Digital marketing has seen great growth in recent times and continues to hold great promise for the coming years. 

Whether for small, medium or large companies, digital marketing It is an investment, not an expense. Keep reading and discover the best strategies for success in the digital environment.

What is digital marketing?

It is impossible to deny that, today, a large part of the population is connected to the internet. 

According to a report released by Hootsuite and We Are Social in 2020, Brazil has 150.4 million internet users – 71% of the population, with 66% of the Brazilian population active on social media. 

Therefore, the way of doing marketing has been changing over the years. Hence, the term digital marketing emerged, which reflects all the marketing efforts and strategies developed in the digital environment.

Why invest in digital marketing?

Digital marketing experienced significant growth in 2020, due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19. 

In a year where many companies had to close the doors of their physical stores, efforts focused on digital marketing, targeting online sales, were crucial for them to continue existing. 

And look, it worked out really well: data from the Brazilian Electronic Commerce Association (ABComm) shows, for example, that Brazilian e-commerce revenue exceeded R$100 billion reais last year, all thanks to digital marketing strategies.

Companies that did not adapt to this new reality and did not invest in the digital environment, most likely ended up falling behind their competitors.

But how do you start investing in digital marketing?

If you want to start investing in your company's digital marketing in 2021, know that it's never too late to do so! 

Today, you can find countless digital marketing courses online, which can even give you a basic understanding of what to do. However, with so much information, it is easy to get lost and end up giving up on this important strategy.

That's why we've put together some digital marketing tips and the best strategies for you to get started today:

Study your market niche

Understand how your market niche is doing, what strategies your competitors have been using and what positive things you can take advantage of from them. 

It is also necessary to understand what your customers are looking for – finding out who your target audience is and their person

In case you didn't know what is persona, it is nothing more than your ideal customer, and with it it will be much easier to understand the entire purchasing journey of your potential customer. 

set your goals

Now that you understand a little more about the market in which your segment operates, it's time to define your objectives when using digital marketing strategies.

Remember, of course, that your goals must be realistic and measurable. For example, where do you want to be in the next few months? Next year, or even 5 years from now? Maybe you want to gain 5 more customers this month, or increase your sales by 70% this year. 

All of these can be goals that can be achieved with the right strategies. That is why market research is the first step, because this way you will know the size of your market and be able to better measure your goals.

Define a strategic and content plan and follow it

Knowing who yours is person and what your goals are, it's time to put together a plan for the year and put it into practice.

See which channels will be used, according to compatibility with your target audience and the strategy designed with the marketing plan. 

Additionally, find out what types of content your customer likes to consume, and get to work producing them.

The frequency of posts on the most diverse channels is also very important, making the user connect with that brand and always be waiting for content that can help them.  

Use tools to help you in this process

Some digital marketing tools can help you – a lot – in this entire process that involves everything from content production to marketing automation and understanding metrics. 

RD Station, for example, is a great automation tool that helps with capturing leads, conversions, sales, among others. 

MLabs is a social media management tool, with features for scheduling posts, responding to users and generating personalized reports.

Now if you need a tool SEO To help you with keyword research, which will help you rank your content, SEMRush is highly recommended.

Use SWOT analysis

Translated into Portuguese, the SWOT analysis will analyze the following points of a project:

  • Strengths = forces;
  • Opportunities = opportunities;
  • Weaknesses = weaknesses;
  • Threats = threats.

These points will help you create a more strategic marketing plan, its positive and negative points when analyzing metrics, in addition to making more efficient and faster decisions, after all, digital changes all the time. 

Define a marketing plan

Although it sounds very similar to the term “strategic planning”, they are not the same thing! 

As the name suggests, the first concerns the strategies created to achieve that defined objective, while the marketing plan is the grouping of all these strategies, so that nothing is lost over time.

It will record information about the persona, target audience, channels used, content calendar, in addition to the metrics analyzed. 

Count on a digital marketing agency in this process!

With so many processes, having a digital marketing agency is very important!

With a diverse and qualified team, the entire process will be carried out in a much more assertive manner. 

Do you need help and don't know where to start? Contact us! We are ready to help you!

Read also Branding and Inbound Marketing

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