E-Commerce Brazil 2018: check out what's new

ecommerce brazil 2018

E-Commerce Brazil 2018: check out what's new

ecommerce brazil 2018

No E-Commerce Forum Brazil 2018, which was held from August 14 to 16, in São Paulo, several experts pointed out trends for the sector in the coming years, such as the growth of artificial intelligence in customer service and the need for pleasant and unpressurized environments to attract and retain technology talent in company teams and the speed in changing strategies.

The Forum brought together national and international speakers to address topics such as sales, digital marketing industry, competitiveness, retail strategies, customer conversion, Human Resources, and other related topics in the industry.

One of them was the CMO of the North American company 1-800-Flowers, Amit Shat, who pointed out that in the next five years, artificial intelligence will gain much more weight and voice will be the main interface, followed by augmented reality.

For him, it is extremely important that people who take care of companies' marketing pay attention to these technologies that will make a difference in results, because relationships and conversations are today the main weapon of marketing.

And there is no denying the growth in the use of chatbots by companies, considering that conversations are moving towards a level of greater personalization and naturalness with voice assistants.

To confirm the belief in these technologies and confirm that the future has already arrived in the marketing area at 1-800-Flowers, Shat mentioned that he uses in his company, in addition to bots, tools such as instant messaging, voice communication and even a system developed in partnership with IBM to send flowers to people whose physical addresses are unknown to the person sending the gift.

How to retain talent?

But if on the one hand, companies are learning to deal with new technologies, on the other hand, the challenge is still dealing with humans. And to talk about attraction and retention of new generation talent, André Petenussi, CTO of the Netshoes platform, and Bárbara Olivier, digital learning at Affero Lab, took to the Forum stage.

For Petenussi, this generation, more anxious about financial results, ends up staying in companies for a short time, which generates a high turnover in staff.

So, as an attraction measure, so that new hires become integrated into the company culture and feel that it is also a pleasant place to work, environments such as leisure areas, decompression areas and even a blog were created so that they could express themselves on any topic.

For Bárbara, the challenge for companies is also to make the right hire, that is, first to get to know, and then to translate and find ways to improve the new employee. One tip she gives is that leaders need to understand that learning is continuous in life, it is a market trend. Therefore, companies must be promising and dynamic for their teams, because no professional wants to feel stagnant in the company.

For Bárbara, one way to integrate leaders and employees is to establish partnerships between these two ends, creating maker labs and meet-ups so that they can experiment together, so that new ideas emerge and people feel valued when they see them being implemented.

The importance of changing strategies

For Amanda Bourlier, research consultant at Euromonitor, one of the speakers at the Forum, in three years, any strategy becomes outdated, especially in e-commerce.

And the report “New Concepts in Digital Retail in Brazil, Latin America and the United States” confirms this.

According to the document, 80% of Brazilians access the internet every day and 70% of them want ways to make their lives more practical, they want more simplicity, including with their online purchases. And this is a completely different figure from years ago.

According to Bárbara, by 2022, the entire Brazilian population should be connected to the internet via smartphones, and with that, the relationship with the online world will become increasingly continuous.

Therefore, the valuing experiences have been increasingly important for customers, they are in continuous contact with the brands they love.

This shows that even greater care must be taken with physical stores, because when they get there, customers have already researched everything on the internet and know exactly what they want. Employees must be prepared to provide better service.

According to the consultant, anyone who wants to use people's smartphones as a sales mechanism can use tools such as augmented reality, virtual reality and gamification.

Metrics in E-Commerce

Ângelo Vicente, from Ecadeiras, took the stage at the Forum to talk about the importance of metrics for an e-commerce company. According to him, indicators and metrics are decisive and point out paths that should be observed and carefully analyzed.

For Vicente, an e-commerce ecosystem must be healthy in the financial, operations, marketing, technology, sales and people management sectors.

Based on this macro vision, he says it is essential to pay attention to metrics in each sector that will provide a basis for how the company is progressing. He mentioned some of them, such as:

  • Request Analysis
  • Billing by Channel
  • Investment, conversion and income
  • Visits X ROI (Return on Investment) x ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend)
  • Cost of Customer Acquisition
  • Cost of Anticipating Receivables
  • Results assessment
  • Delivery Cost and Service Level
  • floating
  • Reverse
  • Customer Service.

Vicente emphasizes that without knowing the results of each person in this sector, it becomes much more complicated to learn and implement daily improvements.


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