O coronavirus took everyone by surprise, including the business world. The need for social isolation due to the pandemic affected most businesses around the world, causing companies to have to find alternatives to continue working with clients, even with all the adversities.
Being open to change is the only way to survive and have some growth in the midst of all this chaos. To do this, it may be necessary changes in corporate approaches and communication, in order to continue operating in the market. Therefore, it will be necessary to change the way your company serves its consumers.
And did you know that looking at entertainment can be an opportunity?
Read the article and find out why!
At this moment, being present is ESSENTIAL!
The pandemic crisis has no end date. Therefore, There is no point in waiting for the storm to pass before taking any action. Actions need to start now.
This could be a unique opportunity for brands to be present in people’s lives during such an anxious time, building a strong bond of trust for the future. But how can corporations use entertainment to maintain their visibility and reach new audiences, even with the loss of interpersonal relationships?
According to the Aurélio dictionary, the word entertainment refers to any action, event or activity that has the purpose of entertaining and arousing the interest of an audience, therefore, it is not limited to just films, series and theater, for example. Entertainment can also be done through informative and interesting content. And this is what your company can take advantage of to increase its visibility and create relationships with its consumers, just as streaming platforms are achieving during the pandemic.
Understand how this market is growing in the current circumstances
The new coronavirus pandemic has not only strengthened sectors such as food delivery, online payments or distance learning. It is also indirectly helping the growth of the entertainment market, more precisely, the digital market.
Do you have any idea, for example, how much streaming and entertainment companies have intensified their growth since people started staying at home? If people used digital media before, even in this sector, the search has been much greater.
According to data collected by the Tower Sensor, Netflix, for example, had a considerable increase in downloads and subscriptions in the countries most affected by COVID 19, being 60% in Italy and almost 30% in Spain. Already Amazon Prime Video, a platform that began serving most countries in the world in December 2016, marked a growth of 101% on Italian soil since the beginning of the pandemic. And this is repeated with several companies in the sector around the world.
In Brazil, for example, this growth was also recorded. The country's second largest streaming service, balloon play, recorded a 27% jump in hours watched in the week of the day March 16-22 compared to March 9-14, when the main regions of the country had not yet determined the quarantine status.
However, after reading this far, you may be wondering: how important is this data for my company? The idea is to analyze and adapt it to your reality. Therefore, if entertainment is on the rise, it may be a good way to continue impacting your target audience!
Making content available online is key!
As you may know, one of the pillars of Digital marketing is to offer content to customers without the intention of making an immediate sale, betting on building a relationship that will bear fruit in the future. This strategy is even more important at this time, since they, like you, are worried about the pandemic.
It is important to think that What people are looking for most at this time is a little comfort and a way to reduce uncertainty and distract themselves. For this reason, it's time to change your strategy a little and take it easy. Show that The company is calm about the current situation and will return stronger and more willing. to serve everyone again!
To do this, it is necessary to have creativity and take advantage of every opportunity. Furthermore, it is time to invest in strategies Content Marketing in the most varied channels and use knowledge about your target audience to create the best demands.
This can be done in several ways, such as:
Blog posts
If you already invest in Digital Marketing, you know that if Having a blog is very important to position your brand in search engines and attract new consumers. However, to be successful, the content posted must be interesting, relevant and current, in addition to following a strategy of SEO, so that you reap even more rewards over time.
Therefore, the idea is to start using this space to provide materials that seek to comfort and reduce the uncertainties of your target audience regarding the crisis, without the intention of an immediate sale. You can provide valuable information about your market for free.
Creativity, at this moment, is the key to surprising your customers!
Video content
This tool has been around for quite some time, but may become an even bigger trend at the current time experienced by society. Your company can create a channel on YouTube or another platform to make available dynamic, high-quality, well-produced videos on topics related to your work to entertain your target audience during the pandemic.
Additionally, we bring live broadcasts, such as webinars and live broadcasts, can also be used to generate engagement. These are excellent ways to offer a humanized contact, even with all the restrictions, and to favor your brand image!
E-books and rich materials
E-books are also a great way to provide entertainment for your consumers. You should, just like with blog posts, offer interesting and relevant content with the aim of strengthening the brand's relationship with the customer!
To generate leads, you can also make spreadsheets that you already use in your day-to-day life available for free, templates, conduct a survey, a quiz and even make part of a course that was previously paid for free available.
This is a great time to generate leads, and what we have seen with our customer base is that With quality materials, the increase in lead generation has been very significant.
Social Media
Finally, as you may know, the social networks are one of the most important channels to be used by companies. With about 180 million users in Brazil alone, they are very efficient for promoting services or products and for attracting leads, as required by marketing strategies. Inbound Marketing.
And, during this crisis created by the new coronavirus pandemic, they can be a very important way for your corporation to strengthen relationships with your consumers and reach new audiences.
According to one qualitative survey conducted by market research firm Ipsos, the suggestion is that companies use them to disseminate accurate information about what is happening and actions that generate a positive impact, such as encouraging conversation, polls and debates related to your market and even questions about your product/service to generate feedback that may be useful in the future.
In addition to creativity, you need to know how to communicate with different audiences
As you saw earlier, opportunities are not scarce, you just need to know how to use them. Therefore, in addition to creativity when designing content, it is necessary use the correct ways to communicate with the public of each communication channel, therefore, hiring a digital marketing agency it's very important.
For example, your company cannot use the same language and materials for both Linkedin and TikTok audiences. Everything must be designed taking into account the age, pain points and needs of your target audience on each channel!
As you can see, there are countless ways for your company to create some kind of entertainment during the new coronavirus crisis. This is not the time to lower our heads. Let's go up, with the goal of getting through this moment in the best possible way!
Make yourself present in a positive way and be remembered when this is all over!
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안녕하세요, 제 가족 여러분! 이 글이 굉장하고, 잘 쓰여졌으며, 거의 모든 중요한 정보가 포함되어 있다고 말하고 싶습니다. 이와 같은 게시물을 더 보고 싶습니다.