Experience matters!
But after all, what is consumer experience?
Always remember!
Have you ever left a store unsatisfied due to poor service? What about online? Have you ever given up on accessing certain websites because they didn't work properly? This situation is very common in the digital world and can have disastrous consequences for your business, since the negative experience of the consumer means that they will not try to use your platform or buy your product online again.
In a study carried out by the American company LogMeln, it was found that around 82% of consumers will not buy from a particular brand again after having a negative experience.
This is proven when accessing websites such as ReclameAqui, Reclamão, NuncaMais, Denuncio and other consumer service platforms, and observing the negative feedback regarding large e-commerce websites.
Complaints are, in a way, very similar across all platforms, such as:
– Failure to comply with the product delivery deadline;
– Website crashing during the purchase process;
– Difficulty canceling orders.
Many of them are accompanied by phrases such as: “I will never buy from here again”, “horrible website” and even threats of legal action against the company. And this customer who will not use the platform again will also criticize it to friends, family and on the internet, further degrading the brand’s image, and with today’s easy access to information, reputation of your brand, especially on the internet, is very important.
Regardless of your business segment, it is important to always pay attention to the website navigation process and try to correct any problems encountered by users.
In addition to problems with operation, Layout and visual communication are extremely important to increase engagement on your website. After all, would you buy from a store that appears to be poorly maintained? Probably not!
This same thinking is used when we are discussing digital media, so it is ideal to invest in the aesthetics of the website, in order to create a product that is attractive to the public.
Experience matters!
According to Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe, during the “Adobe Summit 2018”, a digital marketing trade fair that takes place in Las Vegas, “People no longer buy products, they buy experiences”. He compares the purchasing journey on a website to being a “vacation trip”, in which the person does not only remember the details (products), but also the experience in general.
Adobe even presented a study that shows that leading companies in experience creation, regardless of their industry, have greater brand awareness, more retention of new customers and have revenue growth in less time.
But after all, what is consumer experience?
Consumer experience is defined through interactions between the customer and the company throughout the business relationship, which may include:
– Discovery;
– Awareness;
– Cultivation;
– Defense of rights;
– Services;
- Shopping.
If there are no problems throughout the user's journey on your domain, the likelihood of them recommending or using the platform again is very high.
The consumer also evaluates the experience based on how much he or she engaged with the brand during the commercial process. For this reason, there is a study of Experience Marketing, which seeks to find ways to make the target audience identify with and support the company in question.
Just satisfying is not enough!
According to the 2015 Parature/Microsoft Global Multichannel Consumer Services Report, 68% of consumers have stopped doing business with some brands because they do not consider the digital experience they offer to be “enhanced.”
A new generation of consumers is increasingly demanding. The experience is becoming more and more important than the product or service itself. The issue now is not just to satisfy, but to delight the customer.
When you simply satisfy a need, the buyer does not end their journey with the thought of returning to consume your product or service. However, when they leave delighted, they end the journey with the desire to enjoy again what was provided to you, which could be a purchase on your website, the marketing service provided by your company or in any other area of activity.
If your website/service/product offers this experience, you are definitely on the right path to success.
Always remember!
A satisfied customer tells three people about their experience, while an unhappy customer tells eleven people about their negative experience. In other words, negative publicity is not good for your business!