Linkedin Groups: How Can They Help Your Strategy?

Linkedin groups are an important strategy for organizations that want to create relationships and get closer to their target audience.  See in this text how to have a branding strategy when participating in these groups to meet potential customers, make connections and form partnerships.  After all, there are already more than 30 million companies in the world that use Linkedin to do business.  What are groups on Linkedin and how can I join them?  Linkedin groups are closed forums that represent an important way to get closer to the audience that interests a brand, because they contain people with common interests, exchanging experiences, seeking advice, expanding their connections and sharing ideas, that is, it is possible to build meaningful relationships there.  There are more than 1,5 million groups registered on Linkedin, some strictly commercial and others more restricted to certain interests.  With such a range, it is very possible that you will find a good number of groups that may be important for your business.  Also, consider that people who frequent this social network are already focused on work, so they are more likely to engage in social selling.  Therefore, it can be an important channel for branding and inbound marketing.  There are countless benefits to participating in these groups on Linkedin. For content marketing, for example, it is a significant tool for increasing the reach of your posts and also publishing articles on Linkedin Pulse.  In addition, it is also possible to obtain important segmentation for your business.  To do this, there are several demographic filters that will help you speak to the ideal people for your business.  You can also search by relevant titles, keywords or phrases.  Another important point when using groups on Linkedin is knowing that this can be an important tool to differentiate yourself from your competitors, maintaining this closer relationship channel with your audience.  So, check out the tips below and get to work.  Linkedin Group: Find groups that are relevant to your business So the first step to taking advantage of this potential is to find the groups that are relevant to your business and take the time to understand how they work.  By participating in these groups, you will have a kind of X-ray that will reveal how your target audience behaves, what they like or don't like.  To find these groups, you can start by searching the group directory, which is on the home page.  But, evaluate the group carefully, see if this community can generate sales opportunities for your company.  Another interesting point to evaluate is the frequency of posts, whether members are active and whether it generates engagement.  Also, see if there are people who are already part of your network.  So, if you want to know how to join groups on Linkedin, start by typing a search term related to the group you want to join.  When you start participating in groups, Linkedin itself will indicate other similar ones.  You can join as many groups as possible to have a chance to meet potential customers, but remember that quality can almost invariably be more effective than quantity.  Groups with quality content are much more relevant for any company's business.  So be careful with open groups, where you can find a lot of self-promotion and links.  Be active in the Linkedin activities and groups you have joined One of the ways to increase the visibility of your business in groups is to get involved.  Therefore, it is important to be active.  But first listen to what is being said there, then take the time to contribute to the group, presenting what is relevant, but do not overdo it with posts.  As mentioned above, on Linkedin everything is much more about quality.  You can create your own group on Linkedin. In addition to participating in other groups, you can also create your own group to engage more people.  The tip here is to think of a topic that is interesting to your target audience.  If you don't know how to create a group on Linkedin, just follow these steps: Access the Linkedin group page; Click on “Create Group”; Provide information and settings, such as title, description, location, sector (up to 3), group rules, visibility and group permission; Save the changes; Invite your contacts.  Inviting contacts is a very important step because it is from there that the group will be able to expand, because by inviting people interested in the specific topic you will increase your chances of selling more.  To do this, you can go to the person's profile and look for the list of groups they participate in, then you will know if you can generate interest in participating in yours.  Another important tip when filling out the group description is to research what is described in similar groups, to get inspired and do better.  Here, the tip is also to always keep the group active, ready to receive visits, because this generates more traffic.  To establish an early connection, create a welcome message and encourage discussion to encourage engagement.  Read also: Linkedin Ads Collect data in groups After understanding how to join groups on Linkedin and create your own community, another interesting point for your marketing strategies is being able to conduct surveys with your audience.  To do this, ask questions about habits and behaviors, collect opinions and conduct surveys about launches, as well as seek other information related to your business or niche.  Collecting this data will greatly help you to better understand your audience and promote your business.  Get more qualified leads One of the great advantages of Linkedin groups is the generation of qualified leads, because it allows you to create a list of potential customers from search filters.  Geographic location, positions and companies are data that help to build your relationship strategy, with actions to generate more interaction.  Conclusion If you want to increase your sales on Linkedin, don't give up on groups.  There are communities for all types of segments and user profiles, so it is an important tool in lead generation and conversion.  Start by joining one or two groups in your niche, then expand the number, observe the conversations and find ways to contribute.

Linkedin Groups: How Can They Help Your Strategy?

Linkedin groups are an important strategy for organizations that want to create relationships and get closer to their target audience.

In this text, you will learn how to have a branding strategy when participating in these groups to meet potential customers, make connections and form partnerships. After all, there are already more than 30 million companies in the world that use LinkedIn to do business.

What are groups on Linkedin and how can I join them?

Linkedin groups are closed forums that represent an important way to get closer to the audience that interests a brand., because there are people with common interests, exchanging experiences, seeking advice, expanding their connections and sharing ideas, that is, it is possible to build meaningful relationships there.

There are over 1,5 million registered groups on LinkedIn, some strictly commercial and others more restricted to certain interests. With such a wide range of options, it is very possible that you will find a good number of groups that may be important for your business. 

Also, keep in mind that people who frequent this social network are already focused on work, so they are more likely to engage in social selling. Therefore, it can be an important channel for branding and inbound marketing.

There are countless benefits to participating in these groups on Linkedin. For the content marketing, for example, is a significant tool for increasing the reach of your posts and also publishing articles on Linkedin Pulse.

In addition, it is also possible to obtain important segmentation for your business. To do this, there are several demographic filters that will help you speak to the ideal people for your business. You can also search by titles, keywords or relevant phrases.

Another important point when using groups on Linkedin is knowing that this can be an important tool to differentiate yourself from your competitors, maintaining this closer relationship channel with your audience.

So, check out the tips below and get to work.

Linkedin Group: Search for groups relevant to your business

So the first step to taking advantage of this potential is to find groups that are relevant to your business and take the time to understand how they work. By participating in these groups, you will have a kind of X-ray that will reveal how your target audience behaves, what they like and dislike.

To find these groups, you can start by searching the group directory, which is on the home page. 

But, evaluate the group carefully, see if this community can generate sales opportunities for your company. 

Another interesting point to evaluate is the frequency of posts, whether members are active and whether they generate engagement. Also, see if there are people who are already part of your network.

So, if you want to know how to join groups on Linkedin, start by typing a search term related to the group you want to join. When you start participating in groups, Linkedin itself will indicate other similar ones.

You can join as many groups as possible to get a chance to meet potential customers, but remember that quality can almost always be more effective than quantity. Groups with quality content are much more relevant to any company’s business.

So be careful with open groups, where you can find a lot of self-promotion and links.

Linkedin Group: look for groups relevant to your business So the first step to take advantage of this potential is to find groups that are relevant to your business and take the time to understand how they work. By participating in these groups, you will have a kind of X-ray that will reveal how your target audience behaves, what they like and dislike. To find these groups, you can start by searching the group directory, which is on the home page. But evaluate the group carefully, see if this community can generate sales opportunities for your company. Another interesting point to evaluate is the frequency of posts, if the members are active and if it generates engagement. In addition, see if there are people who are already part of your network. So, if you want to know how to join groups on Linkedin, start by typing a search term related to the group you want to join. When you start participating in groups, Linkedin itself will indicate other similar ones. You can join as many groups as possible to have the chance to find potential customers, but don't forget that quality can almost invariably be more effective than quantity. Groups with quality content are much more relevant to any company's business. Therefore, be careful with open groups, where you can find a lot of self-promotion and links.

Be active in the Linkedin activities and groups you have joined

One way to increase your business’ visibility in groups is to engage. That’s why it’s important to be active.

But first listen to what is being said there, then take some time to contribute to the group, presenting what is relevant, but don't overdo it with posts. As mentioned above, on Linkedin everything is much more about quality.

It is possible to create your own group on Linkedin

In addition to participating in other groups, you can also create your own group to engage more people. The tip here is to think of a topic that is interesting to your target audience.

If you don't know how to create a group on Linkedin, just follow these steps:

  • Access the Linkedin group page;
  • Click on “Create Group”;
  • Provide information and settings such as title, description, location, industry (up to 3), group rules, group visibility and permission;
  • Save changes;
  • Invite your contacts.

Inviting contacts is a very important step because it is from there that the group will be able to expand, because by inviting people interested in the specific topic you will increase your chances of selling more.

To do this, you can go to the person's profile and look for the list of groups they participate in, then you will know if you can generate interest in participating in yours. 

Another important tip when filling out the group description is to research what is described in similar groups, to get inspired and do better. 

Here, the tip is to always keep the group active, ready to receive visitors, because this generates more traffic. To establish a connection right from the start, create a welcome message and promote discussions to encourage engagement.

Read also

Collect data in groups

After understanding how to join groups on Linkedin and create your own community, another interesting point for your marketing strategies is being able to conduct research with your audience.

To do this, ask questions about habits and behaviors, collect opinions and conduct surveys about launches, as well as seek other information related to your business or niche.

Collecting this data will greatly help you to better understand your audience and promote your business.

Get more qualified leads

One of the great advantages of Linkedin groups is the generation of qualified leads, because it allows you to create a list of potential customers based on search filters.

Geographic location, positions and companies are data that help to build your relationship strategy, with actions to generate more interaction.


If you want to increase your sales on Linkedin, don't give up on groups. There are communities for all types of segments and user profiles, so it is an important tool in generating leads and conversion.

Start by joining one or two groups in your niche, then expand the number, observe the conversations and find ways to contribute.

It’s very possible that your company will find the ideal client there!

ebook how to structure your company to be successful with digital marketing

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