With the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to avoid social contact, the home office has become a reality in the lives of many workers around the world. What was once commonplace for professionals in certain areas has become something new for those who had never worked from home.
It may seem like a simple thing, but if you don't follow the correct recommendations, you may end up not getting the results you expected.
Read and learn how to work from home!
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So, how do you stay productive while working from home?
As we’ve already said and as you may be feeling, working from home may not be as easy as you imagine. You need to be careful not to end up compromising your performance in your tasks. To that end, we’ve put together a few more tips that may help you. Check them out:
Always have a bottle of water near your desk.
As you may know, it is proven that keeping your body hydrated is very important to stimulate your mind and improve your productivity. Therefore, when you work in a private place in your home, take a bottle of water with you and remember to drink it from time to time.
Schedule breaks
As mentioned earlier, overworking is not the solution, so schedule some breaks in your day (10 to 15 minutes) to relax and give your mind a break.
Use the pomodoro technique to maintain productivity and take breaks:
Never wear pajamas
We know it's tempting, but avoid wearing pajamas while you work. This is extremely harmful, as it can confuse work and household duties, affecting your performance. The best thing to do is to take a shower and wear the same clothes you would wear if you were working at the company.
Create Goals
Just because you're out of the workplace you're used to doesn't mean you shouldn't take goals into consideration anymore, right? Since you don't have anyone to support you, create your own goals and take them seriously to increase your productivity while working from home.
Try to stretch during the day
Since you spend most of your time sitting when working from home, it is extremely important to keep stretching regularly to avoid health problems.
According to experts in the field of physical education, the ideal is to set aside 10 to 15 minutes of your time to stop, rest and perform low-impact exercises, prioritizing the upper limbs, spine and neck.
Furthermore, it is important that activities are carried out before starting work and then within a period of two to three hours after starting, avoiding the occurrence of pain and discomfort over time, which can also end up compromising your performance at work.
What are the advantages of working from home?
Like everything in life, working from home also has its pros and cons. It is logical that working in an office or company, for example, would be better, however, as the current situation on our planet requires responsibility, social isolation and the ability to adapt, working from home is a very efficient solution.
Check out the main advantages of work from home:
Flexibility is one of the main advantages of home office work, after all, it is possible to organize your work schedule and carry out your tasks at the time that is best for you.
Since there is no need to travel to the company, use public transport or even spend time in traffic, working from home has the advantage of offering greater convenience, which can increase your productivity.
It is almost a unanimous opinion that no one would like to be confined to their homes, however, it is possible to see the savings as an advantage in all this. After all, since you do not need to travel to work, you can save on transportation, parking, eating out at restaurants and other factors that were part of your routine.
Comfort is also an advantage of working from home. Since you are in your own home, you can organize your work environment however you want!
Quality of Life
Since you save time on commuting and lunch, you can use this time to improve your own quality of life. Since you can't leave your house at the moment, use the free time to interact with your family, watch movies and TV shows, and do exercises that can be done indoors, such as stretching, for example.
What are the main challenges of working from home and what can you do to overcome them?
As mentioned earlier, working from home can also be a challenge. Below, you will see what these challenges are and what you should do to overcome them:
Dealing with multiple distractions
It is a fact that your home has several distractions, such as video games, television with news broadcasts all the time, news arriving on WhatsApp and bored family members, which can distract you and harm your professional performance. So, how can you concentrate and focus on work in the midst of all this?
Well, the best thing you can do is try to avoid all of this. To do this, set aside a space where you will not have contact with other electronic devices, except for your work computer and cell phone. In addition, talk to your family and ask for their understanding so that they do not call you during your work hours.
Create your own work environment
As mentioned earlier, creating a distraction-free work environment is essential to maintaining your productivity, but it can also be a challenge. The office chair, built-in power outlets, and silence in the workplace, like you had at your company, are missing at this time.
Therefore, if you do not have a specific place for this, choose a place where you feel most comfortable, focused and able to carry out your tasks. Then, with what you have, adapt it with what you will need to work, remembering to avoid distractions and keep the environment well lit and organized.
Food is also a challenge
Changing your routine can really disrupt your healthy habits, especially for those who are just starting to work from home. After all, that cookie in the cupboard or that snack in your fridge is very tempting, isn't it?
However, try to avoid them. To continue performing well, it is very important to be rested and well-fed, so look for healthy products and a variety of foods to serve as meals in your daily life.
Know that overworking is not a solution!
This is perhaps the most important one. You must remember: just because you are at home and can work more hours than necessary does not mean you should do so. In the same way that exposing yourself to too many distractions can hinder your performance, exposing yourself to too few distractions can also have this effect.
Work only during the time you set aside to do your tasks, leaving the rest of the day to relax with your family, rest or exercise. This way, you can maintain the same performance you had at your company!
So, how is your experience working from home? We are sure that with these tips, you will be able to get through this time working in the best possible way!
To avoid any doubts, find out what a home office is!
Translated from English, the word home office refers to the idea of a workspace inside the home, as if it were an office or a room reserved for that purpose.
Often confused with remote work, it is very important to emphasize that this practice is different, since working remotely can be carried out in other environments, such as cafes and restaurants, while home office is exclusive to work from your own home.
In the past, the term home office was not yet used, but there were already people who did it. In the days before the Industrial Revolution, for example, there were already blacksmiths and craftsmen who, just like you can see in medieval films, set up their workshops in their own homes. This was the case for centuries.
And we don't need to go back too far to give examples. It was very common, for example, for seamstresses to work from home, before industries began to take over this profession. Nowadays, for example, there are people who cook at home to survive, which is also a home office.
However, with the advancement of technologies and means of communication, professionals who use computers as a work tool are the most accustomed to this practice, such as graphic designers, salespeople, marketing professionals, programmers, etc.
So… how is your experience?
Enjoy and read: Digital experiences
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Rosinete Santos do nascimento Argolo
Very good, thank you
S2 MKT Digital Group
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