Inside sales: discover 4 benefits for your company

Inside sales discover 4 benefits for your company

Inside sales: discover 4 benefits for your company

Inside sales discover 4 benefits for your company

O inside sales has been gaining a lot of traction in Brazil in recent years. It is a remote sales strategy that allows for a considerable improvement in results and lower costs when compared to the traditional sales process.

Interesting, isn't it?

Read and learn all about this strategy!

Also check out: In addition to social networks…

What is inside sales?

The term inside sales comes from the English language and means “internal sales”. The strategy consists of bringing salespeople who would work exclusively on the street into the company, where they will have the task of contacting customers remotely to provide information about the products.

Furthermore, this is a sale that only occurs to those people who, in one way or another, have shown interest in what the company is offering.

This interest can be manifested by:

Inside sales discover 4 benefits for your company

For these reasons, inside sales works very well in conjunction with strategies such as content marketing, which seeks to inform the client using e-books, infographics, articles, forms and other informative materials and, at the same time, obtains valuable data about potential consumers.

Inside sales vs. Telemarketing

It is very common to end up confusing this strategy with telemarketing, but the two are completely different.

While telemarketing involves somewhat exaggerated contact with the public, with the aim of selling a wide range of products over the phone, the inside sales technique is less intrusive and more informative. It uses a variety of contacts, whether by phone or other means of communication, such as social media, to provide the customer with more knowledge about the product or service in question.

Inside sales discover 4 benefits for your company

4 benefits of the inside sales model for your company

Inside sales discover 4 benefits for your company

  • Reducing Customer Acquisition Costs

One of the great benefits of the inside sales model is the reduction in customer acquisition costs.

While having a sales team on the streets generates a very high cost and the results are not always satisfactory, inside sales uses the facilities created by the use of technologies and strategies, such as Inbound Marketing, to increase productivity, that is, to sell more in less time and at a much lower cost.

  • Increases sales team productivity

Reducing the above item is directly related to increasing the productivity of your salespeople. To understand this, just think about one factor: travel.

In large cities, it is practically impossible to avoid traffic jams. So how can salespeople achieve their daily, weekly and monthly customer visit targets if they spend most of their time stuck in their cars?

For this reason, an internal sales system can be a good option, since there are no external factors that will hinder the performance of your sales team. The sales team will be solely responsible for making as many calls as possible, sending emails and doing as many demonstrations as possible within the sales routine!

  • Ease of implementation for employees

Advances in technology have changed work processes, but they are also, of course, part of the daily lives of practically everyone. Therefore, despite representing a significant change in the way of working, the inside sales strategy is based on what all employees know very well and, therefore, is easy for the sales team to implement.

  • Capturing and converting a greater number of leads

The internal sales strategy, especially when we consider that it allows the team to work connected at all times to the company's management systems, makes it possible to capture a greater number of leads.

Based on information gathered from the company's website, blog or social media, for example, the sales team can contact leads at the right time, based on what they know about the company so far. This means that no leads need be lost!

Inside sales and the traditional sales model

This new model can very well be worked on in conjunction with the old model, that is, the traditional one. The vast majority of companies make the transition from one process to the other gradually, naturally adapting their processes and sales team to inside sales.

Even if the internal sales process is well developed, personal contact is still necessary. Even if the customer already knows the product/service from reading about it on the web and talking to the sales team, it can be too much to schedule a visit to try to close the sale.

Inside sales discover 4 benefits for your company

Have you seen how applying an inside sales model can be very advantageous for your company? Start changing your sales process right now!

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