Marketing 5.0: You May Be Falling Behind

Marketing 5.0: You may be falling behind Artificial intelligence, big data, user experience, algorithms.  We've never been so tech.  And marketing 5.0 is there to prove it.  After the fourth era of marketing, which, according to Kotler, is the union of traditional marketing with digital marketing, now is the time for marketing 5.0 to take over the minds of marketing professionals.  Do you want to know what this new concept created by the father of marketing is?  So, stay with us and see how to take advantage of this new wave that combines technology and the human factor as a way to delight the customer.  What is marketing 5.0?  In his latest book “Marketing 5.0”, Philip Kotler defines the concept as the application of technologies that mimic human behavior to create, communicate, deliver and increase value throughout the customer journey.  In practice, Kotler says that technological resources, such as big data and artificial intelligence, are a new weapon to generate more connection between companies and their target audiences.  However, he is categorical in stating that, even using all the technology available to generate data, the human role is what will set the tone, defining strategies and gathering insights to carry out effective digital marketing.  According to Kotler, in an excerpt from the book “Marketing 5.0”: “It is time for companies to fully unleash the power of advanced technologies in their marketing strategies, tactics and operations.  Technology must be leveraged for the good of humanity.” Evolution from marketing 1.0 to 5.0 Marketing 1.0: sell, sell, sell This concept emerged shortly after the Industrial Revolution, and the focus was on products.  The production model at the time was Fordism, which prioritized mass production over product variety.  Marketing 2.0: right to choose This second wave of marketing was marked by consumers' access to information and the possibility of choice.  As a result, companies began to pay more attention to customer needs before producing their products.  The focus of marketing 2.0 is the customer and no longer the product.  Marketing 3.0: social responsibility In the internet age, marketing takes on a social role and companies need to prove that they are in the market to bring about a positive transformation in society.  In other words, it is not enough to simply produce products that consumers need or want, you need to take a position.  In this era, the idea is to sell well-being and happiness to consumers through their products and services.  Marketing 4.0: the era of digital marketing Here, marketing has to deal with the generation of digital natives, those born after 1997 who have a very strong relationship with the internet.  In this wave, companies realized that if they do not have a digital presence, their business may be doomed to failure.  And for this very reason, they not only invest in digital but also use data obtained from interactions on the internet to connect and build relationships with their target audiences.  Marketing 5.0: humanization The era of marketing 5.0 focuses on the technology x human experience.  In which new digital marketing tools are gradually integrated into the day-to-day operations of companies to improve the customer experience.  For Kotler: “In Marketing 5.0 we want to recognize the new digital tools that marketers will increasingly use.  Artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms, marketing automation, robotics, sensors and the internet of things, virtual and augmented reality, natural language processing (Siri, Alexa), chat boxes, neuromarketing and brain science.” (Kotler, 2020) The three elements of marketing 5.0 In an interview with the Marketing Journal, in February 2021, the authors of the book “Marketing 5.0” say that the concept revolves around three interrelated applications: predictive marketing, contextual marketing and augmented marketing.  These three applications revolve around 2 basic disciplines: data-driven marketing and agile marketing: Data-driven marketing is about collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources to guide and optimize marketing decisions.  Agile marketing is using decentralized, multidisciplinary teams to quickly create and validate products and marketing campaigns.  For Hermawan Kartajaya, one of the authors of the book “Marketing 5.0”, to deal with the constantly changing market, agility becomes an indispensable requirement for companies.  Predictive Marketing This concept uses predictive analytics with machine learning to predict the results of marketing activities before they are launched.  This allows companies to visualize how the market will respond and proactively influence it.  Contextual marketing Contextual marketing will identify and create profiles, as well as provide customers with personalized interactions, using sensors and digital interfaces in the physical space.  It is the structure that allows professionals to carry out individualized marketing in real time, depending on the client's context.  In contextual marketing, some factors are considered, such as: information about mood, time of day, specific moments that help identify the best time to impact the public with an action.  Augmented marketing is using technology to improve the productivity of professionals who deal with customers.  This can be done through technologies that mimic humans, such as chatbots and virtual assistants.  The latter ensures that marketers combine the speed and convenience of the digital interface with human-centric marketing.  How can technology boost digital marketing?  It allows us to make better decisions For Hermawan Kartajaya, thanks to big data we can collect, organize and interpret data at incredible speed.  This happens in every interaction the customer has with your company: accessing the website, filling out a form or exchanging emails, everything is recorded.  From there, marketers can profile customers at a very detailed level, ensuring better insights.  Allows you to predict the results of marketing strategies With analyses based on artificial intelligence, it is possible to predict the result before launching new products or launching new campaigns.  This model looks for past patterns, understands what works, and based on the learnings, recommends the optimized design for future campaigns.  Enables personalized experiences Tracking internet users enables digital marketers to deliver personalized experiences to customers.  Both landing pages and ads can be created based on customer pain points and desires and generate more identification with the brand.  Additionally, marketers can identify who is accessing their page, for example, and offer ads that meet the needs of this audience.  Increases the productivity of marketing professionals By transferring lower-value operational tasks to a system that uses artificial intelligence, for example, the professional can focus on more strategic tasks or direct customer service.  For simpler conversations, chatbots can help handle a channel that has high traffic of requests and interactions.  Marketing 5.0 Objectives Among the objectives of marketing 5.0, we can mention these: Anticipating situations through consumer behavior; Extracting insights through the analysis of collected data; Planning strategies based on behavior patterns; Experimenting with solutions that have not yet been considered; Creating and maintaining stronger connections. There are many benefits, right?  Marketing 5.0: how not to get left behind?  How can we keep up with so many changes if we don't have the knowledge and experience to implement new technologies in our company?  If you don't know how to surf this technological wave that marketing 5.0 offers us, but want to take advantage of all its benefits, count on GS2 Marketing Digital.  We are a digital marketing consultancy that is already experiencing this revolution and reaping excellent results with marketing 5.0.  GS2: strategic digital marketing for your company to sell more Our successful strategy is based on the design of your persona's purchasing journey.  We gather data and analyze our successful clients from different segments to come up with a methodology that will increase your sales.  It's big data in practice!  Our agency has the most strategic areas of digital marketing to make your business grow!  Meet some of our clients here.  GS2 in numbers We are experts in digital marketing consultancy for companies.  There are more than 894 email campaigns sent, 136.324 lead conversions performed and 917 automations activated in 2021 alone.  Do you want to implement marketing 5.0 in your company?  Count on GS2 Digital Marketing.

Marketing 5.0: You May Be Falling Behind

Artificial intelligence, big data, user experience, algorithms. We have never been so tech. And Marketing 5.0 is there to prove it.

After the fourth era of marketing, which, according to Kotler, is the union of traditional marketing with digital marketing, now is the time for Marketing 5.0 to get the heads of marketing professionals.

Do you want to know what this new concept created by the father of marketing is?

So, stay with us and see how to take advantage of this new wave that combines technology and the human factor as a way to delight the customer.

 What is marketing 5.0?

In his latest book “Marketing 5.0”, Philip Kotler, defines the concept as the application of technologies that mimic human behavior to create, communicate, deliver and increase value throughout the customer journey.

In practice, Kotler says that technological resources, such as big data and artificial intelligence, are a new weapon to generate more connection between companies and their target audiences.

However, he is categorical in stating that, even using all available technology to generate data, the human role is to set the tone, defining strategies and gathering insights to make a digital marketing industry effective.

According to Kotler, in an excerpt from the book “Marketing 5.0”:

“It is time for companies to fully unleash the power of advanced technologies in their marketing strategies, tactics and operations. Technology must be leveraged for the good of humanity.”

Evolution of marketing 1.0 to 5.0

Marketing 1.0: Sell, sell, sell

This concept emerged shortly after the Industrial Revolution, and the focus was on products. The production model at the time was Fordism, which prioritized mass production over product variety.

Marketing 2.0: right to choose

This second wave of marketing was marked by consumers' access to information and the possibility of choice. 

As a result, companies began to pay more attention to their customers' needs before producing their products. The focus of marketing 2.0 is the customer and no longer the product.

Marketing 3.0: social responsibility

In the internet age, marketing takes on a social role and companies need to prove that they are in the market to bring about a positive transformation in society.

In other words, it is not enough to simply produce products that consumers need or want; you need to position yourself. In this era, the idea is to sell well-being and happiness to consumers through your products and services.

Marketing 4.0: the era of digital marketing

Here, marketing has to deal with the generation of digital natives, those born after 1997 who have a very strong relationship with the internet.

In this wave, companies realized that if they do not have a digital presence, their business may be doomed to failure. 

And for this very reason, they not only invest in digital but also use data obtained from interactions on the internet to connect and build relationships with their target audiences.

Marketing 5.0: humanization

The era of marketing 5.0 focuses on the technology x human experience. In which, the new digital marketing tools are gradually integrated into the day-to-day operations of companies to improve the customer experience.

For Kotler: 

“In Marketing 5.0 we want to recognize the new digital tools that marketers will increasingly use. Artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms, marketing automation, robotics, sensors and the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, natural language processing (Siri, Alexa), chat boxes, neuromarketing and brain science.” (Kotler, 2020)

GS2 Strategies Success Story

The three elements of marketing 5.0

Em interview protocols for Marketing Journal, in February 2021, the authors of the book “Marketing 5.0” They say that the concept revolves around three interrelated applications: predictive marketing, contextual marketing and augmented marketing.

These three applications revolve around 2 basic disciplines: targeted marketing the data and the agile marketing:

Data-driven marketing

It involves collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources to guide and optimize marketing decisions. 

Agile marketing

It's about using decentralized, multidisciplinary teams to quickly create and validate products and marketing campaigns. 

For Hermawan Kartajaya, one of the authors of the book “Marketing 5.0”, to deal with the constantly changing market, agility becomes an indispensable requirement for companies.

Predictive marketing

This concept uses predictive analytics with machine learning to predict the results of marketing activities before launch. 

This allows companies to visualize how the market will respond and proactively influence it.

Contextual marketing

Contextual marketing will identify and create profiles, as well as provide customers with personalized interactions, using sensors and digital interfaces in the physical space. 

It is the structure that allows professionals to carry out individualized marketing in real time, depending on the client's context.

In contextual marketing, some factors are considered, such as: information about mood, time of day, specific moments that help identify the best time to impact the public with an action.

Augmented Marketing

It involves using technology to improve the productivity of professionals who deal with customers. This can be done through technologies that mimic humans, such as chatbots and virtual assistants. 

The latter ensures that marketers combine the speed and convenience of the digital interface with human-centric marketing.

How can technology boost digital marketing?

Allows you to make better decisions

To Hermawan Kartajaya, thanks to big data we can collect, organize and interpret data at incredible speed. 

This happens in every interaction the customer has with your company: accessing the website, filling out a form or exchanging emails, everything is recorded.

From there, marketers can profile customers at a very detailed level, ensuring better insights.

Allows you to predict the results of marketing strategies

With AI-based analytics, it is possible to predict the outcome before launching new products or launching new campaigns. 

This model looks for past patterns, understands what works, and based on the learnings, recommends the optimized design for future campaigns. 

Enables personalized experiences

Tracking internet users enables digital marketers to deliver personalized experiences to customers. 

So much landing pages how much advertising can be made based on customers' pain points and desires and generate more identification with the brand.

Additionally, marketers can identify who is accessing their page, for example, and offer ads that meet the needs of this audience.

Increases the productivity of marketing professionals

By passing lower-value operational tasks to a system that uses artificial intelligence, for example, the professional can dedicate themselves to more strategic tasks or direct customer service.

For simpler conversations, chatbots can help handle a channel that has high traffic of requests and interactions.

Objectives of Marketing 5.0

Among the objectives of marketing 5.0, we can mention these:

Anticipate situations through consumer behavior; Extract insights through analysis of collected data; Plan strategies based on behavior patterns; Experiment with solutions that have not yet been considered; Create and maintain stronger connections

There are many benefits, right?

Marketing 5.0: how not to get left behind?

How can we keep up with so many changes if we don't have the knowledge and experience to implement new technologies in our company?

If you don't know how to surf this technological wave that Marketing 5.0 offers us, but want to take advantage of all its benefits, count on GS2 Marketing Digital.

We are a Digital marketing consultancy who is already living this revolution, and reaping excellent results with the Marketing 5.0

GS2: strategic digital marketing for your company to sell more

Our success strategy is based on designing your persona's purchasing journey. 

We gather data and analyze our successful clients from different segments to come up with a methodology that will increase your sales. 

It is big data in practice!

Our agency has the most strategic areas of digital marketing to make your business grow! 

Meet some of our clients here

GS2 in numbers

We are experts in digital marketing consulting for companies. We have sent over 894 email campaigns, converted 136.324 leads and activated 917 automations in 2021 alone. 

Want to implement the Marketing 5.0 in your company? Count on GS2 Marketing Digital. 

Access our website and chat with our team!

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