Anyone who wants to open an online store needs to keep in mind that, to be successful in the endeavor, it is more than necessary to have a Digital Marketing strategy in e-commerce.
Whoever uses this to their advantage will certainly come out ahead in the race to the top spots on the podium of customer preferences, largely due to the countless opportunities that the internet offers to those who dedicate themselves to it.
Read the text below and understand the importance of Digital Marketing for e-commerce!
First of all, what does Digital Marketing consist of?
Well, according to Philip Kotler, a scholar considered the father of Marketing, the concept of the word “Marketing” means: “the social process through which people and groups of people satisfy desires and needs with the creation, offering and free negotiation of valuable products and services with others”.
However, as time goes by, the ways of doing this undergo several changes as people's habits change, making it impossible to ignore the fact that most of the world's population stays connected to the internet for very long periods of the day and makes purchases there.
Therefore, the Digital marketing is nothing more than one of these changes, being the main means of doing Marketing today. In short, this term is used to summarize all Marketing efforts and strategies developed in the digital environment.
So, how important is it to draw up a Digital Marketing strategy for my e-commerce?
To answer this question, it is necessary to think about the essence of the benefits provided by the internet. After all, one of the reasons why it has become so widely used in the world is the ease of saving time by having processes carried out through it, right?
If we think about it, we can understand why online commerce has been growing so much in recent years. The ease of finding and buying products online is attracting, over time, more and more consumers willing to spend their money on what they find online.
Therefore, it can be said that the internet has become an influential tool in the purchasing journey of most people today, as it can provide the possibility for individuals to research, get information and make a purchasing decision, all in a quick, easy and safe way.
However, keeping this fact in mind, it is important to know that this means that the virtual environment has a lot of competition, because if access is so easy for the consumer, it is also simple for everyone to have the opportunity to undertake and sell products in this environment.
And that is exactly why working with e-commerce requires dedication and special investment in marketing actions aimed at the digital environment. In this case, strategies should be focused on attracting and converting leads, increasing the number of sales in your online store and making it a reference in the area!
What actions can be taken in conjunction with Digital Marketing to improve the results of my e-commerce?
Implement Digital Marketing, despite how it may seem, is not an easy task, so know that hiring a digital marketing agency It is extremely necessary for those who really want to increase their sales.
Check out some Digital Marketing strategies and tools below that can (and should!) be used in your e-commerce:
Inbound Marketing
For your e-commerce to stand out, it is essential to use the
For your e-commerce to stand out, it is essential to use the Inbound Marketing, also known as Attraction Marketing, as a tool to attract, relate, convert and, subsequently, sell.
This strategy focuses on offering relevant and useful content on online channels, as well as adding value at every stage of your customer's purchasing journey, in this world of total digital transformation.
It's a way to make customers understand that they need your product and buy it from you!
This is a set of techniques that have the sole objective of improving your positioning in search engines.
Use SEO is one of the strategies of Digital Marketing for eCommerce more important, because when your company's website or blog has an increase in visibility due to better positioning on search pages, it means that it will be seen by a greater number of people, which increases the likelihood of someone accessing it and, in the future, making a purchase.
Your results start to appear in the medium and long term.
Investment in social networks
This is one of the most important actions of Digital Marketing for eCommerce, already the social networks are essential communication channels for a retailer.
To get an idea of the importance, let's look at the numbers: Facebook is the most popular, with more than 117 million users, while Instagram is used by 35 million users and Pinterest by 19 million users, which makes these channels excellent for promoting your product!
This is an attempt to win over that customer who visited your website but for some reason did not make a purchase.
To better understand what this is, remember when you entered an e-commerce site and didn't buy it, and that product you searched for didn't appear in a corner of the page for you, even on other sites? This is Remarketing or Retargeting, as it is also known.
This helps the customer remember the product, with the aim of not taking it out of their purchasing plans.
You can use this feature on Google Adwords, Google partner sites, or Facebook/Instagram.
Google Ads
Finally, make the most of Google Adwords, as it allows you to increase the exposure of your online store within Google search results in a very large and almost immediate way.
For this, there are Search Network and Display Network campaigns as a strategy. digital marketing for e-commerce.
The Search Network displays ads on Google's search results pages. It works like an auction, because you tell Google which keyword you want to buy and how much you want to invest in it.
Depending on your bid, your ad will appear higher or lower on popular pages.
The Display Network displays ads on thousands of websites and blogs. These are banners that appear in strategic locations. For example, if your target audience is fitness enthusiasts and you sell gym clothing, it would be a good idea to have banners on major websites that target this audience, increasing your brand's visibility.
How about starting to incorporate Digital Marketing into your e-commerce as soon as possible?
We are here to help you! Want to do Digital Marketing in practice? Contact one of our consultants and get started as soon as possible!