We need to think outside the box in the age of behavior

We need to think outside the box in the age of behavior

We need to think outside the box in the age of behavior

We need to think outside the box in the age of behavior

If you had a children's clothing brand, would you target your advertising only at people who have children? I don't know how you would do it, but the right answer is no, since most people who intend to buy children's shoes do not have children. A survey published by Think with Google revealed that 39% of people who intend to buy children's clothing do not have young children.

For this reason, it is very important think outside the box when setting the marketing strategy of your company.

Read and find out more!

The transformation in the way of thinking

With the relentless evolution of technology and marketing, there have been several changes in the way brands think and act. While some have already been incorporated into everyday life, such as process automation and real-time optimization, others have not yet been explored as much, even though they have great potential to accelerate your business results, such as creating a target audience based on their behavior signals, for example.

In the current scenario, the big challenge is to understand people's real needs, without putting them in “boxes”, that is, without basing your digital marketing strategy solely on gender or age.

In an age where there are countless solutions available to increasingly informed consumers, being relevant to the right people is crucial. For this reason, planning an advertising campaign based on general data no longer works. Such generalizations can result in lost business opportunities and even harm your brand image in the eyes of people who do not see themselves represented.

Demographics no longer matter

Let's take an example:

You have an online shopping website and need to advertise your business. Who would be your target audience? Many people would probably say that the strategy should focus on women, but nowadays this is no longer the case.

The risk that brands run when targeting a slice of the population is leaving out people of high value to their business, who may not fit into this already established pattern.

According to a study by the National Confederation of Logistics Managers (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil) last year, men spend 40% more than women on online purchases.

This example shows how easy it is to get your strategy wrong when relying on stereotypes from the past, so it is very important think outside the box and look for other ways to ensure that your company is reaching the right audience to boost your business.

Campaigns focused on behaviors are more remembered precisely because of their originality and because they find those who really matter.

We need to think outside the box in the age of behavior

Do you know what Advanced Audiences are?

This is a tool that can be used by companies to build a bridge between key behaviors and marketing execution.

It is a term used by Google for interests and intentions that do not take into account demographic parameters, such as age and gender. This platform allows Google to evaluate billions of behaviors of its users in real time, so that similarities in behavior can be found and used for brands to use.

Consumer behaviors

You already know that nowadays all marketing strategies must be based on consumer behavior. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand what makes a person make a purchase or not.

O study of behavior consumer research includes ideas from diverse areas such as psychology, biology and economics with the aim of understanding what and how affects a given market niche.

Consumer behavior is especially influenced by factors:

  • Personal

These are characteristics that are basically linked to a single person, but which may or may not appear in the group in which that person is inserted. Personal factors can say a lot about how a person shops, how you make decisions, what your unique habits are, what your opinions are and your main interests.

  • Social

The roles we assume in society, that is, what is expected of us according to the role we are occupying, and the status that this role brings, are often associated with consumer behavior, as people like to purchase products and services that reinforce both their role and the status associated with it.

  • Cultural

Culture is the aspect that most influences consumer behavior. As we grow up, we are bombarded with ideals of values, beliefs and perceptions coming from our parents and family, from the school environment and from other institutions with which we have contact, especially in the early years of life, which directly influence our purchasing choices, since the tendency is to follow the pattern of the people closest to us.

Now that you know how important research into your consumer behavior is for a good marketing strategy, it's time to hire an agency specialized in the subject and start boosting your sales!

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