Marketing in times of pandemic: it's time to keep going!

Marketing in times of pandemic is time to continue

Marketing in times of pandemic: it's time to keep going!

Marketing in times of pandemic is time to continue

The new coronavirus pandemic took us by surprise. No one expected it, so it is normal and understandable that most managers focus their efforts on actions to protect the financial health of their companies. However, it is very important to keep in mind that corporate communication must be a strategic priority to face the crisis.

This means that, although balancing your accounts is very important at this time, It's not time to stop investing in Marketing, but rather intensify your processes and ensure that your brand does not fall into ostracism.

Read and understand how Digital Marketing can be important during the pandemic!

Also check out: Pandemic accelerates digital transformation in companies

 The most important thing is to be present!

As that famous popular saying goes, Who is not seen is not remembered, therefore, it is very important to understand that this must be the priority number one during the pandemic. Brands that are forgotten during the crisis are less likely to secure customer preference when everything returns to normal.

According to a recent study by Kantar, a British Market Research company, Corporations that remain firm and increase investment in communication have a greater chance of growing when the crisis is over. Therefore, given the current events, investing in strategies that make your company stand out is essential.

However, changes are necessary

If you already invested in Marketing and already had well-defined strategies, know that It's time to rethink communication and adjust it according to the major challenges posed by the crisis. Abigail McWilliams, co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Corporate, explains: “At times like these, when customers are highly sensitive to everything that is happening in the world, corporate social responsibility is a strategic investment for the company.”

Marketing in times of pandemic: it's time to keep going!

This means that, if it is not possible to have a high financial consumption of people, it is possible to be by their side in other ways and strengthen relationships, which can be very useful in the future. To do this, showing yourself to be socially relevant, responsible and with well-defined ideals can be the key.

According to another study carried out by Kantar, around 88% of Brazilians expect brands to be useful in their new daily lives and to serve as an example to guide changes in consumption habits and, furthermore, to remain optimistic and demonstrate how the crisis can be overcome.

Marketing in times of pandemic: it's time to keep going!

Therefore, ignoring the current situation, insisting on exaggerated promotional messages and showing insensitivity to other people's suffering are attitudes that should not be part of your new communication strategy.

Strengthen your brand!

The crisis will pass, that is a fact, but the damage caused may be irreversible. At this time, creating or maintaining strong brands through a well-structured identity may be as important as worrying solely about the company's financial situation.

This is because it is certain that whoever stands out from the competition at this moment has a greater chance of prospering in the future!

Marketing in times of pandemic: it's time to keep going!

Thinking about all this, it's time to ask yourself the following question: how is your company dealing with the current situation?

How has your company contributed to the collective effort to overcome the difficulties caused by the crisis? What solutions does it offer to help people face their new daily lives?

Read also Home office – how to perform working from home?

1 comment

  • Great content, congratulations! Digital marketing is what has helped many companies keep selling in this chaotic time.

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