The big challenges of digital marketing today

digital marketing challenges

The big challenges of digital marketing today

digital marketing challenges

To list the biggest challenges in Digital Marketing Nowadays, it is necessary to analyze the transformation we are going through from the point of view of what it is. If in the Industrial Revolution the change came through the way we produce, today it refers to the way we use information to our advantage.

In the digital environment, everything is data-driven, but if they are not contextualized, they are nothing more than cold and inert information. Therefore, to apply them in a way that provides an enchanting human experience, marketing teams need to know how to use data correctly to really help companies grow.

However, like everything in life, Digital Marketing presents some challenges. Learn about some of the difficulties faced by professionals in the field today and how they are resolved!

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Overcoming information saturation

Nowadays, consumers are exposed to a wide range of content. As a result, they are overwhelmed with information that is not always relevant to their lives. As a result, they have strong restrictions when selecting what deserves their attention.

Therefore, it is more than important to interact with the public in the way they prefer. After all, especially in the digital environment, the consumer has the power to simply ignore any message.

For this reason, companies that work with digital marketing are forced to think of strategies on a daily basis to be able to impact their clients' target audience by “overcoming” all this saturation.

So rather than taking a biased, channel-focused route as was done in the past, advertisers need media that works independently of the broadcast channel and is flexible in terms of consumer engagement.

This will help advertisers to:

  • understand where consumers are;
  • make a real connection with the audience at the right time to create better experiences for buyers;
  • deliver more pleasant and persuasive messages.

Make a specific and contextual measurement

Many digital marketing agencies work focused on the overall measurement of the campaign. However, the ideal is to analyze which combination of channel, message and product is successfully motivating a segment of consumers to buy.

Advertisers need to know not only how the campaign was carried out, but also how it contributes to the brand's success and how the campaign works in a detailed and more specific way, considering not only a synthetic analysis, but also a more complete one, which details the results in a more specific way.

Therefore, to determine which marketing approaches are working, brands need to expand their data sources to gain a complete view of the customer journey, which involves:

  • measure how ad spend moves revenue: click targets, for example, are insufficient. Companies need to understand the impact of agency actions on sales;
  • use data effectively: performance data is not just used to prove the agency’s good work. It is essential to guide future campaigns;
  • Provide insights that matter: Brands need to measure traffic and sales spikes to understand what drives consumers to shop in their stores.

techniques to define persona

Generate valuable information with respect for privacy

Some digital marketing initiatives use data to target large volumes of consumers in a less intrusive way. To do this, some of them rely on sources based on Internet of Things and a broad network database.

However, this new information has raised serious privacy concerns. Furthermore, the way advertisers use this data has been overly automated and not very personalized.

With the recent data leak scandals, consumers are increasingly concerned about their privacy, as they value more personalized actions. In addition, several government initiatives in Brazil and around the world seek to regulate the use of data and create severe penalties for those companies that do not respect the imposed rules.

Therefore, it is necessary take a different approach to generate more relevant experiences and obtain a better response through cross-channel engagement. In addition to technological support to ensure maximum security, it is essential to structure yourself in a way that allows for maximum humanization in the customer experience.

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