What is the best CMS for my website?
You don't have one yet CMS to call your own?
If you produce content or sell online, you need to keep your information up to date.
After all, there's nothing more frustrating for consumers than finding outdated content on the internet or trying to buy a product and discovering that it's already been sold, right?
This puts the entire credibility of your business at stake.
Want to know more about this tool and which one is best for your website? Keep reading the article!
What is CMS?
The acronym CMS comes from English and means Content Management System, translated into our language it would be like a content management system or scontent management system.
Why is it important to have a CMS?
Keeping a page up to date is no easy task. Doing the work manually can take up precious time in your day. And it's not at all efficient.
Therefore, having a content management system is a smart option for managing your website and ensuring that content is always up to date.
How does CMS work?
CMS are free software, created by programmers from all over the world that help people who don't understand anything about programming to create their website, blog and other pages on the internet in a simple way.
In practice, anyone can create, edit and publish layouts, templates and content on a website, online store or any type of page. You may have heard of some of them: WordPress, HubSpot CMS, Joomla, Wix and so on.
Benefits of having a CMS
- They are simple to use;
- A person does not need to understand programming to create a web page, they just need to feed it with information;
- The software ensures efficiency and a good user experience;
- It is possible to create, edit, publish and remove content from the internet instantly;
- Install plugins to increase the website's capabilities;
- And even control inventory and sales, if it is an online store.
Who is the CMS for?
CMS is for anyone who has a website, e-commerce or blog and needs to manage this information in a simple way, but doesn't know anything about programming.
What is the best CMS for your website?
The data doesn't lie: WordPress is the most used CMS on the market. In a recent survey conducted by search engine journal, the platform demonstrated 64,3% market share, that is, of all users of CMS, more than half of them use WordPress.
In second place comes Shopify, with a 6,2% share, followed by Wix, with a 3,4% market share, Squarespace with 3% and Joomla with 2,5%.
Why does WordPress dominate the CMS market?
The world's most popular CMS software doesn't take the top spot for nothing:
- The user has flexibility and freedom to build any type of website, such as online stores, auction sites, blog posts, etc.;
- You don’t need to know how to code to create a page. The WordPress editor allows you to create pages with great design features for your website;
- The user can sell their products or services using WordPress resources;
- There are numerous free templates and themes on WordPress and the user can add extra features to the website, such as forms, buttons and images;
- Plugins are other resources capable of bringing more elements to the website or improving content production, such as the Yoast SEO plugin.
- Speaking of SEO, this CMS is designed for Google search engine optimization.
- With it, it's easy to create SEO-friendly URLs, categories, and tags for your posts;
- Because it is an open source CMS, meaning anyone can download the software and use it, there is a huge and supportive community collaborating to spread knowledge about WordPress.
Constant updates keep WordPress on top
And it's not just because of its ease that WordPress ranks first in the ranking of the most used CMS.
With two major updates this year, one in January and the last in May, version 6.0.1 has made nearly 1.000 fixes and improvements to the platform.
Here are some improvements:
- Style change: the user can now change the appearance of their website without having to change themes;
- More template options: User can use blocks to edit five more templates (author, date, categories, tag and taxonomy).
- Multiple selection: the user can select the content of multiple blocks and edit them as they prefer;
- List view improvements: the user has new keyboard shortcuts (shift + click) that allow selecting multiple blocks to modify, reposition or delete data in bulk;
- Refined design tools: The new version has a revamped color panel, transparency options, more group block variations to create new layout options, stacked or inline
- More image control options: User can set their featured image in a cover block and control the exact size of the featured image;
- New blocks are available: from post comments, read more, no results in query loop, post author biography, avatar blocks, etc.
And what about Headless CMS?
It is a more flexible version of the CMS. But to understand what a Headless CMS, we need to first understand what traditional CMS does.
In practical terms, a CMS Traditionally, it puts everything in one big bucket, the content, the images, the HTML, CSS codes, etc.
It organizes content into web page-oriented frameworks, and this makes it impossible for the same content to be used on other platforms or digital software, precisely because it is mixed with code.
But as digital channels and devices have evolved, the need for more flexible solutions has arisen. And that's where Headless CMS.
It allows you to manage content in one place and also allows you to integrate content with any system, software or website, using APIs.
This means it’s easier to distribute your content across multiple digital channels.
And this is another reason why WordPress is the most flexible CMS of all, because, despite not being a headless CMS, it can be used as such.
But that’s a topic for a next post!
Now that you know which CMS is best for your website, how about learning about other digital marketing solutions that will help your content reach more people?
Meet GS2 Marketing

We already know that producing content and having a presence on social media is synonymous with low investment and high returns.
However, to be successful and grow your business, it is not enough to just have good social media management.
It is necessary to choose the most relevant networks for the company's audience, know the audience, be consistent, produce relevant materials for the target audience and use other strategies, such as Inbound Marketing, for example.
And that's where the GS2 Marketing goes into.
Our success strategy is based on designing your persona's purchasing journey.
We gather data and analyze our successful clients from different segments to come up with a methodology that will increase your sales.
Our agency has the most strategic areas of digital marketing to make your business grow!
Want to know more about how GS2 Marketing can help you boost your sales and gain more visibility in the market?
Talk with us!