Sparktoro Research – Similarweb -2020 | Reinforces the Importance of Organic Traffic

If you've ever researched SEO, you've probably heard the name Rand Fishkin.  He is the founder of MOZ and one of the biggest names in global SEO.  In addition, he is also CEO of Sparktoro, which, in partnership with SimilarWeb - an information technology company - released search results on Google in 2020.  Keep reading and understand the subject!  Sparktoro and SimilarWeb Research: Check Out the Results The research is worldwide, and was conducted from January to December 2020, based on the analysis of approximately 5,1 trillion searches made, whether on mobile devices (iOS and Android) or desktop, and brought very important data to be analyzed: 33,59% resulted in clicks on organic search results; 1,59% resulted in clicks on paid search results; 64,82% of searches on Google (desktop and mobile combined) ended in what is called zero-click searches.  In other words, they ended up on Google itself, not taking the user to any other website.  Now, dividing the research between mobile and desktop, we have even more surprising numbers!  Desktop: 50,75% resulted in clicks on organic search results; 2,78% resulted in clicks on paid search results; 46,48% of Google searches ended in what are called zero-click searches; It is worth remembering that, with social isolation resulting from the pandemic, and work in home office “mode”, the number of people using the desktop increased.  Mobile: On mobile, the results were slightly different: 21,99% resulted in clicks on organic search results; 0,79% resulted in clicks on paid search results; 77,22% of Google searches ended in what are called zero-click searches. This shows a tendency for Google to prioritize the Full Mobile-First Index, so that all sites indexed in the search engine offer the best experience for those who use mobile devices for their searches.  Even though desktop usage has increased, access and searches via mobile devices continue to be a major trend.  This update began in 2016, and websites had until 2020 to make improvements.  However, with the pandemic caused by Covid-19, this date changed to March 2021. Zero-click-search: what is it?  If you still have doubts about what zero-click-searches is, let us explain: do you know when you have a doubt in Portuguese (or any other language) and you search on Google for how to spell that word?  Most likely, when you do your research, you end up coming across what you were looking for straight away, without needing to click on any website to do so.  This is what is called “zero clicks”. To explain this increase, Google itself has formulated some of its own explanations: Reformulation of searches: the user does not specify what they were looking for in their first attempt, having to reformulate their keyword and do a new search, finding what they were looking for; Quick information: the example given above, when searching for a question in Portuguese; Searching for the place before visiting or contacting it: before visiting a place, it is common to search for its address, for example.  In addition, many people also search for companies' phone numbers to get in touch; Targeting apps: When searching for a brand, you may end up finding its Instagram in the search.  If you have this application installed, it is very likely that you will be directed there, and not entering the website itself.  The importance of organic traffic Another important point that the research reveals, compared to a 2019 survey, is that organic clicks increased in 2020.  When you search on Google, you will also notice that the first results are ads and, without having to scroll down the page, you will have three organic results. After that, you would need to scroll down the page.  Hence the need to invest in your organic traffic, since the highest concentration of clicks on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page, or page with search results) will be in these first 3 results.  To do this, it is essential to understand your market niche and your brand’s persona (or personas).  To understand your ideal customer’s search intent, it’s a good idea to use digital marketing tools that help you search for keywords, such as SEMRush. This way, you can find out, based on search volume, what your persona’s “pain” is and what type of content they want to consume. It’s also worth doing a keyword search for your niche market and noting which competitors appear in the first 3 organic results and the strategies they use.  We have also separated some other tips for you to rank your content even higher: Use titles and descriptions that catch the attention of your persona - here, it is worth doing tests and seeing what performs best; Optimize your images, using alternative text; Make use of internal linking; Make sure your website is responsive - that is, it offers a good experience on both desktop and mobile; Use titles and subtitles (title 1, title 2 and title 3); Make easy and clear URLs, using your main keyword.  Is your brand already prepared and investing in organic traffic?
Sparktoro Research - Similarweb -2020 | Reinforces the Importance of Organic Traffic

Sparktoro Research – Similarweb -2020 | Reinforces the Importance of Organic Traffic

Sparktoro Search – Similarweb

If you’ve been researching SEO, you’ve probably heard the name Rand Fishkin. He’s the founder of MOZ and one of the biggest names in SEO world.

Additionally, he is also CEO of Sparktoro that in partnership with SimilarWeb – an information technology company – released Google search results in 2020.

If you've ever researched SEO, you've probably heard the name Rand Fishkin.  He is the founder of MOZ and one of the biggest names in global SEO.  In addition, he is also CEO of Sparktoro, which, in partnership with SimilarWeb - an information technology company - released search results on Google in 2020.  Keep reading and understand the subject!  Sparktoro and SimilarWeb Research: Check Out the Results The research is worldwide, and was conducted from January to December 2020, based on the analysis of approximately 5,1 trillion searches made, whether on mobile devices (iOS and Android) or desktop, and brought very important data to be analyzed: 33,59% resulted in clicks on organic search results; 1,59% resulted in clicks on paid search results; 64,82% of searches on Google (desktop and mobile combined) ended in what is called zero-click searches.  In other words, they ended up on Google itself, not taking the user to any other website.  Now, dividing the research between mobile and desktop, we have even more surprising numbers!  Desktop: 50,75% resulted in clicks on organic search results; 2,78% resulted in clicks on paid search results; 46,48% of Google searches ended in what are called zero-click searches; It is worth remembering that, with social isolation resulting from the pandemic, and work in home office “mode”, the number of people using the desktop increased.  Mobile: On mobile, the results were slightly different: 21,99% resulted in clicks on organic search results; 0,79% resulted in clicks on paid search results; 77,22% of Google searches ended in what are called zero-click searches. This shows a tendency for Google to prioritize the Full Mobile-First Index, so that all sites indexed in the search engine offer the best experience for those who use mobile devices for their searches.  Even though desktop usage has increased, access and searches via mobile devices continue to be a major trend.  This update began in 2016, and websites had until 2020 to make improvements.  However, with the pandemic caused by Covid-19, this date changed to March 2021. Zero-click-search: what is it?  If you still have doubts about what zero-click-searches is, let us explain: do you know when you have a doubt in Portuguese (or any other language) and you search on Google for how to spell that word?  Most likely, when you do your research, you end up coming across what you were looking for straight away, without needing to click on any website to do so.  This is what is called “zero clicks”. To explain this increase, Google itself has formulated some of its own explanations: Reformulation of searches: the user does not specify what they were looking for in their first attempt, having to reformulate their keyword and do a new search, finding what they were looking for; Quick information: the example given above, when searching for a question in Portuguese; Searching for the place before visiting or contacting it: before visiting a place, it is common to search for its address, for example.  In addition, many people also search for companies' phone numbers to get in touch; Targeting apps: When searching for a brand, you may end up finding its Instagram in the search.  If you have this application installed, it is very likely that you will be directed there, and not entering the website itself.  The importance of organic traffic Another important point that the research reveals, compared to a 2019 survey, is that organic clicks increased in 2020.  When you search on Google, you will also notice that the first results are ads and, without having to scroll down the page, you will have three organic results. After that, you would need to scroll down the page.  Hence the need to invest in your organic traffic, since the highest concentration of clicks on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page, or page with search results) will be in these first 3 results.  To do this, it is essential to understand your market niche and your brand’s persona (or personas).  To understand your ideal customer’s search intent, it’s a good idea to use digital marketing tools that help you search for keywords, such as SEMRush. This way, you can find out, based on search volume, what your persona’s “pain” is and what type of content they want to consume. It’s also worth doing a keyword search for your niche market and noting which competitors appear in the first 3 organic results and the strategies they use.  We have also separated some other tips for you to rank your content even higher: Use titles and descriptions that catch the attention of your persona - here, it is worth doing tests and seeing what performs best; Optimize your images, using alternative text; Make use of internal linking; Make sure your website is responsive - that is, it offers a good experience on both desktop and mobile; Use titles and subtitles (title 1, title 2 and title 3); Make easy and clear URLs, using your main keyword.  Is your brand already prepared and investing in organic traffic?
Sparktoro Research – Similarweb -2020 | Reinforces the Importance of Organic Traffic

Sparktoro and SimilarWeb survey: check out the results

A research is worldwide, and was made from January to December 2020, from the analysis of approximately 5,1 trillion of searches made, whether on mobile devices (iOS and Android) or desktop, and brought very important data to be analyzed:

  • 33,59% resulted in clicks on organic search results;
  • 1,59% resulted in clicks on paid search results;
  • 64,82% of Google searches (desktop and mobile combined) ended in what is called zero-click searches. That is, they ended up in the same Google, not taking the user to any other website.

Now, dividing the research between mobile and desktop, we have even more surprising numbers!


  • 50,75% resulted in clicks on the results of the organic search;
  • 2,78% resulted in clicks on paid search results;
  • 46,48% of Google searches ended in what is called zero-click searches;

It is worth remembering that, with the social isolation resulting from the pandemic, and work in “mode” home office, the number of people using the desktop has increased.


On mobile, the results were a little different:

  • 21,99% resulted in clicks on organic search results;
  • 0,79% resulted in clicks on paid search results;
  • 77,22% of Google searches ended in what is called zero-click searches

This shows a tendency for Google to prioritize the Full Mobile-First Index, so that all indexed sites in the search engine offer the best experience for those who use mobile devices for their searches.

Even though desktop usage has increased, access and searches via mobile devices continue to be a major trend.

This update began in 2016, and websites had until 2020 to make improvements. However, with the pandemic caused by Covid-19, this date was changed to March 2021. 

Zero-click-search: what is it?

If you still have doubts about what this is about, zero-click-searches, let us explain: do you know when you have a question about Portuguese (or any other language) and you search on Google for how to spell that word?

Most likely, when you do your search, you end up finding what you were looking for right away, without having to click on any website to do so. This is what is called a “zero click”. 

To explain this increase, the Google formulated some of his explanations:

  • Search reformulation: user does not specify well what he was looking for in his first attempt, having to reformulate his keyword and do a new search, finding what he was looking for;
  • Quick Facts: example given above, when looking for a Portuguese question;
  • Search the location before visiting or contacting it: Before visiting a place, it is common to look for its address, for example. In addition, many people also look for the company's telephone number to get in touch;
  • Application Targeting: When searching for a brand, you may end up finding their Instagram in the search. If you have the app installed, you'll likely be directed there, rather than going to the website itself.

ebook how to structure your company to be successful with digital marketing

The importance of organic traffic

Another important point that the research reveals, compared to a 2019 survey, is that organic clicks increased in 2020.

When performing a search on Google, you will also notice that the first results are advertisements and, without having to scroll down the page, we have three organic results. 

After that, it would be necessary to scroll the page.

Hence the need to invest in your organic traffic, since the highest concentration of clicks on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page, or page with search results) will be in those first 3 results.

To do this, it is essential to understand your market niche and the person ( people) of your brand.

And to understand the search intent of your ideal client, it is interesting to count on the help of digital marketing tools that help you search for keywords, such as SEMRush

This way, you can discover, through the search volume, the “pain” of your person and the type of content she wants to consume. 

It is also worth doing a keyword search for your market niche and noting who the competitors are that appear in the first 3 organic results, and the strategies they use.

We have also separated some other tips to help you rank your content even further:

  • Use attention-grabbing titles and descriptions of your person – here, it’s worth doing tests and seeing what performs best;
  • Optimize your images using alternative text;
  • Make use of internal linking;
  • Make sure your website is responsive – that is, it offers a good experience on both desktop and mobile;
  • Use titles and subtitles (title 1, title 2 and title 3);
  • Make URLs easy and clear, using your main keyword.

Is your brand already prepared and investing in organic traffic?
It's important to get your hands dirty so you don't get forgotten among so many competitors! 

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