The new coronavirus pandemic is causing several changes in the way we live, including an unplanned digital transformation. This can be seen, for example, in the number of people who were not used to working home office and are having to learn in order to maintain social isolation and avoid the spread of the disease.
But wait, what does home office have to do with digital transformation, if it is already an old practice?
Well, the answer is EVERYTHING! Let's think: if the vast majority of people now need to work from home, they need tools for that, right? And these resources need to be digital, right?
Well, that's why companies that weren't yet "awake" to the digital world needed to undergo transformations and leave their comfort zone in order to use technology as an ally in these difficult times.
These changes are not exclusively related to remote work.
The necessary changes are not only related to adaptations to a new work environment, but also to the ways in which corporations communicate and make their products and/or services available to their consumers.
Read: Business in crisis – entertainment as an ally amid the new coronavirus pandemic
It's time to put those old plans for entering the digital world on paper and dive headfirst into it, taking advantage of all possible channels and resources to create new ways to stay in the market. Relationships are changing, and those who don't keep up will end up falling behind.
The innovation was already expected
Despite the fear and difficulty that some companies are having in transforming their processes into digital ones, we all already knew that this would be the future. The issue is that, when faced with the urgency of modernization, corporations that were postponing these processes no longer had anywhere to run.
The infamous “end of offices”, for example, has been debated around the world for some years now, even though, in a large list of countries, including Brazil, there is some resistance to accepting the idea that it is possible for employees to work even better from their own homes, that is, as long as they are included in the context of digital transformation, having access to all the information necessary tools and resources, as well as the motivation and training to continue growing professionally in a different environment and away from work colleagues.
The pandemic will be temporary, but digital transformation will not
Thinking that digital transformation is something that only deserves attention during the months of isolation is a huge illusion. When this crisis is over, many people will be surprised by how much more dynamic work relationships and relationships with consumers will be and, as a consequence, how processes and work will benefit from being open to these changes once and for all.
Therefore, the ideal and the tip we give is to take advantage and see the mandatory isolation with a positive mindset, in order to discover golden opportunities to take your business to another level, taking advantage of everything that this period will teach us!
Rosinete Santos do nascimento Argolo
And it is true that every day is an excellent learning experience.
S2 MKT Digital Group