A new look at sales revealed at RD Summit

A new look at sales revealed at RD Summit (2)

A new look at sales revealed at RD Summit

A new look at sales revealed at RD Summit (2)

It is possible to say, without a shadow of a doubt, that the digital marketing and sales professionals who went to the mega-event RD Summit at the beginning of November came home with their heads buzzing with ideas and excitement.

It is no wonder that 150 important national and international speakers, who brought trends and reflections on the sector, did their homework well: to provoke in these more than 10 thousand professionals a thrill to do things differently and shake up the country's market.

And there was no shortage of excitement; the event, which is the largest of its kind in Latin America, left no room for boredom for three days. The brain didn't rest for a single minute, not even between one lecture and another, in music and light shows that looked more like science fiction spectacles.

The information literally hammered into the beat of the sound in search of resonance for new synapses.

In all sectors, the news arrived in far from homeopathic doses, but especially in sales sector, what was evident in each lecture was the need to put the people at the center of campaign attention.

Salespeople of the new times

Lucia Haracemiv rd summit 2018

Robert Cialdini, Jacco VanderKooij, Guilherme Machado, Lúcia Haracemiv, Eric Santos (the CEO of RD) and many other speakers who spoke about sales hit the same key: how to do better?

All this based on the fact that the purchasing process and customers have changed. Now we need to redesign the journey.

It is more than necessary to look outside to have more predictable, scalable and profitable results. “Sales are the oxygen of the company because otherwise the rest of the organism stops”, stated Eric Santos in one of the moments of his lecture.

He also highlighted that it is necessary to change the image of the salesperson, which was previously not good for customers, who saw this professional as someone only looking for profit and an increase in their commissions.

The salesperson of the past did not focus on finding solutions. Now it is necessary to test new solutions and not just focus on standard situations, which do not always suit everyone.

Now it's different, it's necessary to change the mindset of this professional, who needs to be attentive to the client and their needs, needs to offer value, if he wants to sell more and better.

Guilherme Machado, from the Quebre as Regras Group, in the talk “You won’t be able to sell like this anymore”, addressed the need for new practices and perspectives.

For him, we are already living in the robotic era, but, contrary to the fear we have that machines will dominate us, the robots are ourselves, because they have ready-made and pre-conceived solutions.

For him, it is necessary to move away from focusing campaigns on products and focus on people’s desires. “We are experiencing an Uberization, we no longer have a presence in customer service. Everything will be automated, so become more human. Why do you want to listen to the customer’s problem?”

For him, the secret is to make your client understand what problem you are solving. “What makes you different? How are you going to surprise your client? What is their dream?”

Machado says that large companies from various sectors are already focusing on actions in which the realization of people's dreams, including those of employees, appears as a company's differentiator. "Is your company not robotized?", he reinforces.

For Machado, the strategy now in inbound sales techniques is to impact others and generate trust.

“Trust is the basis of any business relationship. We are in the era of intangibles, of perception marketing, of perceiving and generating value. Does your company have a body or a soul? Your company’s role now is to empower your customer.”

Consultative sales are in focus

Felipe Coelho from ab Seed Ventures also offered some great tips for accelerating the consultative sales cycle. Here are some of his tips:

  • Test multiple channels that will generate sales opportunities;
  • Have an efficient product page that makes it clear to the consumer that the solution to their problem is there;
  • Have a clear view of lead scoring. This can speed up or slow down your sales cycle. Depending on the lead’s stage, you’ll know what the next step should be;
  • Work on the lead's relationship with the company, so that the sales opportunity is generated during prospecting. Tip: call within the first 10 minutes of conversion;
  • Avoid wasting your salesperson’s time. Therefore, eliminate complexities that may delay progress through the sales funnel. To do this, standardize discounts, establish the best time for contacts, etc.
  • It is essential that the consultative salesperson knows how to relate what they sell to the prospect's reality, pain points and objectives;
  • Face the “no” as an opportunity. But first you need to understand the reason for this “no” and work differently to reverse these results.

Weapons of persuasion as a way to sell better

Robert Cialdini rd summit 2018

Robert Cialdini, author of the book “Influence: The Psychology of Influence”, said at this year’s RD Summit that it is necessary to understand that there are 6 principles of influence that will help achieve better sales results.

They are the ones that will trigger mental triggers, which if well worked, can be used when selling. The principles can be used together to increase results:

  • Reciprocity: the tendency is to say yes to those who I owe something to. For example, if you give a smile to someone, the tendency is that they will also give you a smile;
  • Scarcity: People are afraid of missing out on something important. When a campaign says that a product is unique, rare and that people will have very little time to get it, i.e. limited-time promotions, the tendency is for you to want to buy it as soon as possible;
  • Authority: when in doubt, people are more likely to purchase something from someone who is an expert in that product, because they trust someone who knows that solution;
  • Consistency: is the commitment to what was promised. When people make commitments, they tend to fulfill what they promised. For example, when a button says: “Yes, I want to know more information”, this is a way of generating commitment from the lead;
  • Affinity: People appreciate what is similar to them. So, it is important to put yourself in the customer's shoes;
  • Social proof: People want to know what the world is doing to do the same.

Furthermore, Cialdini also mentions that there are times when people are more likely to say “yes” to an offer: the first week of the month and at the beginning of the week, Monday or Tuesday.

This is because at these times they are open to new things and changes. In order to sell better, campaigns can emphasize the adventurous side of leads.

How does the new world impact sales?

Jacco Vanderkooji rd summit 2018

Jacco Vanderkooji, founder of Wining by Design, also highlighted the changes in modern times that are impacting salespeople.

Vanderkooji's focus was not only on the salespeople, but also on the leaders of these sales teams and the business owners.

With contagious enthusiasm, Vanderkooji explained that in this changing world, sales teams need to be more open to much more than just hitting targets.

Here are some tips to help you sell better:

  • Consultative sales are the key to success, because people love to buy, but they don't want to be targets of incisive and direct sales, they want advice and to be heard;
  • Mobile devices are increasingly popular among people. Salespeople need to focus on actions with this technology;
  • Salespeople want more than “perks”, they need inspiring managers;
  • Diversity in the workplace is more productive. More opportunities for growth need to be given to women working in the sector.

Sensitivity and subjectivity in new sales

Just like Guilherme Machado, who discussed the need to capture the intangible in new sales, the director of DNA de Vendas, Lúcia Haracemiv, also spoke about the subjective and sensitivity issues in this new sales universe.

Even though it is necessary to meet targets, in every sales process, there are several sides that need to be considered.

She gives some tips for working better with sales science and subjective issues:

  • Goals need to be set so that salespeople know where they need to go;
  • There is a need for greater clarity in the positioning and strategy of the business and alignment of the marketing and sales teams;
  • Make greater use of tools that can free up sales teams to do what they know how to do, which is selling;
  • Monitoring and correcting sales routes, if necessary, is essential to achieving better results.

What we could see at RD Summit 2018 is that the era of selling for the sake of selling is on the verge of death. Focusing on emotions, listening more to the customer, understanding and solving their problems is the key to better results. The next step is to retention of these customers!

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