Payment via WhatsApp: how does this benefit my company?

Payment via WhatsApp: how does this benefit my company?

Payment via WhatsApp: how does this benefit my company?

On June 15, WhatsApp, the most widely used instant messaging and voice calling app for smartphones in the world, announced a new feature for its platform, where users of personal and commercial WhatsApp Business accounts can now make payments and receive money through Facebook Pay, a platform owned by the same group that owns the app.  But what about your company?  What are the benefits of this new WhatsApp Payment initiative?  Read the text below and understand!  First of all, meet WhatsApp Pay!  WhatsApp Payments, as the new feature is being called in Brazil, has been in testing in India since the beginning of the year and is arriving to facilitate bank transfers between users of the application, especially at the current time that the world is going through, in which social isolation is necessary and it is no longer possible to go out to transfer money at the bank.  To make these transfers, you need to set up a debit or credit card from a partner company on Facebook Pay.  Payments can be checked at any time in the “Payments” tab, located in the “Settings” tab, in the application settings.  For now, for users of personal accounts, WhatsApp will maintain the limit of R$1 per transaction and, per day, up to 20 transactions can be carried out, but the amounts cannot exceed R$5 per month.  How does WhatsApp Pay work for businesses on WhatsApp Business?  Merchants who have registered with WhatsApp Business can also sell products and services through the platform.  However, to receive payments through the app, you need to configure Facebook Pay, as well as create or connect a Cielo account (all transactions must be carried out through it) and provide the company's bank account details to receive the corresponding amounts.  The bank account verification process takes, on average, three days, and all payments made by customers are transferred from the Cielo account to the bank account within approximately two business days.  Unlike for personal users, there is no payment limit for sales made through WhatsApp Business, but there is a processing fee charged for sales, which is set at 3,99%.  What are the advantages of this feature for companies?  If for common users this service means much more practicality when purchasing, for small and large companies, it is also very advantageous.  More than ever, WhatsApp has become a complete platform, functioning as an excellent business channel, especially during this time when digital transformation is very important to remain active in the market.  If before the consumer could view a product catalog in the companies' contact window in the app, now they can also issue the payment right there.  This “closing sales” function is a great facilitator, as it helps to generate more conversions, with much more practicality.  In addition to this billing possibility, it is also possible to have much easier sales control, since the entire process is carried out on the same platform.  The feature also has a very interesting facilitator for your customers, as it makes the purchasing process much simpler and generates a more dynamic relationship between them and your salespeople when contacting them for business.  Therefore, at a time when home office and remote sales are becoming necessary, WhatsApp Pay is a great way to boost sales!  The platform is not yet available, but it will soon be available in our country!

On the 15th of June, the WhatsApp, the most widely used instant messaging and voice calling application for smartphones in the world, has announced a new feature on its platform, where users of personal and commercial WhatsApp Business accounts can, from now on, make payments and receive money through Facebook Pay, a platform from the same group that owns the application.

But what about your company? What are the benefits of this new initiative? WhatsApp Payment? Read the text below and understand!

First of all, meet WhatsApp Pay!

O WhatsApp Payments, as the new function is being called in Brazil, has been in testing in India since the beginning of the year and is arriving to facilitate bank transfers between users of the application, especially at the current time that the world is going through, in which social isolation is necessary and it is no longer possible to go out to transfer money at the bank.

To make these transfers, you need to set up a debit or credit card from a partner company on Facebook Pay. Payments can be viewed at any time in the “Payments” tab, located in the “Settings” tab in the app settings.

For now, for personal account users, WhatsApp will maintain the limit of R$1 per transaction and, per day, up to 20 transactions can be carried out, but the amounts cannot exceed R$5 per month.

How does WhatsApp Pay work for businesses on WhatsApp Business?

Merchants who have registered with WhatsApp Business can also sell products and services through the platform. However, to receive payments through the app, it is necessary to set up Facebook Pay, in addition to creating or connecting a Cielo account (all transactions must be carried out through it) and providing the company's bank account details to receive the corresponding amounts.

The bank account verification process takes an average of three days, and all payments made by customers are transferred from the Cielo account to the bank account within approximately two business days. Unlike for personal users, there is no payment limit for sales made through WhatsApp Business, but there is a processing fee charged for sales, which is set at 3,99%.

What are the advantages of this feature for companies?

If for ordinary users this service means much more convenience when shopping, for small and large companies it is also very advantageous. More than ever, WhatsApp has become a complete platform, functioning as an excellent business channel, especially during this time when digital transformation is very important to stay active in the market.

If before the consumer could view a product catalog in the contact window of the companies in the app, now they can also issue the payment right there. This “close sales” function on the spot is a great facilitator, since helps generate more conversions, with much more practicality. In addition to this billing possibility, it is also possible to have much easier sales control, since the entire process is carried out on the same platform.

The feature also has a very interesting facilitator for your customers, as it makes the purchasing process much simpler and generates a more dynamic relationship between them and your salespeople when contacting them for business. Therefore, at a time when home office and remote sales are becoming necessary, WhatsApp Pay is a great way to boost sales!

The platform is not yet available, but it will soon be available in our country!

Unfortunately, the Central Bank vetoed the use of the tool as soon as it arrived in Brazil, with the justification of preserving a competitive and adequate environment, which “ensures an interoperable, fast, secure, transparent, open and cheap payment system”, as the entity reported in its official note.

However, earlier this month, in participation in the forum Bloomberg Emerging + Frontier, the president of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, said that the tool is in the approval process and that it will soon be able to be used by companies across the country!

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